Beluaterran Observer/Issue 2

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Beluaterran Observer November 1010

A Historical Introspection: Southern Politics at the Dawn of the Invasion
The relations between Riombara and Enweil have always been cold, both realm have opposing ideologies, Riombara embracing pluralism, and Enweil believing in strict path and system. Their conflicts often erupted into full scale war. We could go back to the First and Second ages to finding arguments to support our theories, yet today we mean to delve deeper into their latest conflict, and how it impacted politics during the Fourth Invasion of Beluaterra.

The seeds for war were planted decades ago, during the Third Invasion of Beluaterra, during the Avalon- Republic of Fwuvoghor war. Five Avalonian lords changed allegiances to Fwuvoghor, after which both sides sought a peace treaty, with Enweil acting as the guarantor, swearing to attack either party if they violated the treaty. The treaty was signed by Galvin Blackfeather for Avalon, Mordred Lefanis for Republic of Fwuvoghor, and Handkor Zotral for Enweil. In a few years, Dead Angel was elected to the chancellorship of Avalon, and he decided that as the original treaty had no time given to ceasing of hostilities, announced that Avalon was pulling out of the agreement. Enweil did not step in at that point, and a few weeks later, Avalon went to war against the Republic of Fwuvoghor ...

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