The Estahsism Echo

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Revision as of 11:57, 14 August 2010 by X-anne-x (talk | contribs)
Estahsism.JPG The Estahsism Echo Estahsism.JPG
Cost: Free Editor: Nikkitanilas Felhand (User:X-anne-x) August 2010

This newspaper is a free, informative newspaper giving up to date news on a monthly basis about the faith of Estahsism as well as the goings on in and around the realm of Bara'Khur. This paper is edited my the High Priest of Estahs, Nikkitanilas Felhand.

The unguided souls of the lost lie in the darkness of their religious slumber. Cold and alone they call out. Call out to the Gods. The Gods of Estahs. They seek the light and the comfort and the guidance, for the Gods are many. It is believed there is a God to represent all aspects of existence. They split themselves into five factions to represent the five main aspects of existence: Lore, Humanity, Nature, Creativity and Darkness. The Gods of Estahs are called such for the Gods dwell in the city that is Estahs. Where the city is, no one knows for it is the dwelling of the Gods and no mortal shall go there, only our immortal souls travel their upon the ending of our lives, where we travel to the Blazimir Forests, resting place of the dead, to find the souls of our passed loved ones.


This Month's Paper

Current Influence
Region Followers Temples/Shrines
Pel Mark 99% • Small Temple to Eimir
• Shrine to Gikf
Ippetimbal 74% • Primative Temple to Siama
• Shrine to Fiki
Zisswii 98% • Primative Temple to Carozar
• Shrine to Wurki
Gaxano 98% • Small shack to Aisen
• Shrine to Karak
Iknopata 97% • Shrine to Ilimis
Ren Madragas 100% • Shrine to Brat
Total followers (est): 8915
Estahsism influence.JPG
Heroic War Queen Carrie, Slain in battle Saturday 14 August
As the armies of Bara'Khur once again fight to support their allies against the ever strengthening forces of monsters, our realm once again suffered a tragic loss. Traveling to aid in the fighting, our Heroic War Queen found herself battling a hoard of rogue. Though outnumbering them, their almighty strength was unstoppable, and the battle was lost, ending in the death of our dear Queen. To lose one monarch is disastrous for a realm, but to lose two in just a few week is heartbreaking. Through their grief however the people of Bara'Khur find strength in their rulers heroic deeds, never turning away from fighting and hiding in their palace's, but leading our armies valiantly in battle. Carrie and Tonkotsu will always be remembered as true heroines.

Despite the loss of his sister, Carrie's brother, Matt Stafford, takes her place on the throne as nobles look to him for leadership, knowing he will fulfill the goals of his sibling and lead the realm with intellect, integrity, and honour.

Editor: Nikkitanilas