Muninn Newsrag/Adventures of one Drunk and her Rabbit/RP3Ch2

From BattleMaster Wiki

Davendrall and Anneliese show the newcomer Sir Charion the ropes - Chapter 2

Roleplay from Davendrall
Davendrall approached Charion Orgauth estate.

"Come on Banana Bus you big wimp!"

"This crate is very heavy!"

Davendrall turned around and looked at Barnabas who was holding a very large, heavy crate of Leprechaun Wine. Davendrall on the other hand was holding a simple, light, rope

"Wuss! Now...this is the right place right? I wonder if Anne is here yet"

Davendrall strode up to the front door of Charion Orgauth's estate and knocked

"Is this the estate of Charion Orgauth? I am Davendrall Felhand, I was invited here to get drunk, eat lots of cookies and show a young man the ropes"

Davendrell twisted the rope in her hands and grinned very very evilly

Roleplay from Anneliese

"I don't see why I have to be here. I'm your scribe, not your bodyguard." Her arms were crossed protectively over her chest, as if she expected to be attacked at any moment.

"Which means you don't look so out of place as a guard would - it would be suspicious to have a guard hanging around me, if I were to pretend I trusted Davendrall." Anne said, as she handed the reins of her horse to a stable-hand, though first making sure she had removed the rope coiled around the saddle.

"I don't think she expects trust, just cookies."

They walked out of the stable just in time to catch the sight of the cookies being unloaded from a wagon. "I hope Sir Charion has a table big enough for all that..."

"And is it really necessary to wear all that armor?"

"Have you ever seen me in public without some form of armor?" It wasn't as if she was wearing full plate-mail, or even chainmail; it was just enough leather to cover the vital areas (with the exception of her head; she wasn't wearing a helmet). It probably wouldn't help very much in actual combat, but going without out any armor made her feel far too vulernable.

"No." The scribe admitted.

Anne had also made certain that she wore a sturdy belt, so her pants could not be stolen. Or pulled down. She had her sword with her, which had been cleaned of blood and returned to her not long after she came back to her troop. It probably wouldn't see much use, but, like her armor, she felt uncomfortable without it.

"Though I do wish I had brought Honey," She said, referring to her hawk. "Perhaps I could have her peck Da-"

The scribe kicked her and pointed to Davendrall, who was standing some ten feet away.

"Ow, you-" She started to glare at her scribe, then spotted Davendrall, "Oh! Hello Dave!" She walked closer, "I see we both brought the rope..."

Roleplay from Charion
A short and grumpy man, less than half of the size of the estate's impressive doors appeared and examined the arriving guests with an air of pure disgust and bitterness that would kill them if it could. He barely had any hair and barely looked human, some would say he looked more like a gnome from legends. And a very ugly and old one. With barely any hair, and a long dirty beard. He then mumbled for a while and only a few words could be heard.

"Stupid younglings...more young fools...bunch of retards...drunken baboons...stupid master...young Orgauth keeps bad company...probably some peasant whores...stupid stupid stupid...uncouth savages..." and more mumbling

Then he finally came back to himself and said in a tone of cruel disdain in his rough and sinister voice. "Aww yes thats how the young master calls himself huh!" "Come in ohhh noble guests" and then muttered in a very low voice "low nobility wenches...not nearly as noble as the Orgauth..."

Quickly he turned inside and invited them inside...

Roleplay from Davendrall
"Hi Anne! You brought the cookies right? Lots of cookies!...hey" Davendrall said turning to the little weird man "I heard that! Looks like you want a taste of the ropes too" She said grinning evilly.

Anne caught up just in time to see the old man hung from a chandler in the entrance hall, by his underwear. He wore nothing else and his hands were tied by some rope

"I'm afraid I used my rope Anne." Davendrall said looking up at the old man "We'll have to use yours for Charion...speaking of which...where is he?"

Roleplay from Anneliese

Anne nodded, "Of course!"

Her scribe started to sneak off, and out the corner of her eye, Anne spotted her, "Cathy! Come on!"

Grumbling, her scribe joined her in the estate.

Noticing the man hanging from chandelier, Anne commented, "Sir Charion sure has odd tastes... I mean, a live man hanging from the ceiling... Couldn't he at least do the decent thing and kill him first?" She had been too far away to notice the comments the man had made on their status.

Servants entered, carrying boxes of cookies, "Where should we put this, Dame?"

"I don't know... is there a table somewhere?

Roleplay from Davendrall
Davendrall stared at the cookies.

"Have I ever told you how must I love you Anne. You can know...put them..." Davendrall opened her mouth and motioned that the cookies should be put there.

Roleplay from Anneliese

Anne stared at her frank gesture, and tried not to show her amusement, "You can't fit the whole box in there... although you're welcome to try, I suppose."

She turned to the servants, "Just set 'em down somewhere. Stick around, we may want them moved somewhere else, provided Davendrall doesn't eat them all at once."

Roleplay from Davendrall
Davendrall squealed in delight and grabbed a box of cookies, opening the box and scoffing them all down one by one


Roleplay from Anneliese

Anneliese slowly edged away from Davendrall, "I hope she doesn't get sick..." She whispered to her scribe.

Or at least thought she did. Her scribe had wandered off while she wasn't looking.

Roleplay from Davendrall
"Pfft! No amount of cookies could ever make Davendrall Felhand sick! So...where is our host...well I suppose he doesn't know where here since his butler never came back...shall we go find him?"


Roleplay from Anneliese

"I didn't see a butler, but surely the screaming of that man hanging from the ceiling would have alerted him by now - I mean that thing is quite loud. I assume that is what he uses to alert him to visitors."

She checked once to make sure she had everything, including the rope, and then nodded, "Sure. If he can't get a normal butler like the rest of us, I suppose we might as well surprise him..." Anne grinned very wide, and whispered something to Davendrall.

"...and tie him up, take all his cookies and drink all his wine."

Roleplay from Charion
"Ahh well worse has already happened to you Ferel hasn't it ?"

Said a young and commanding yet beautiful voice, the hanged old man nodded getting slightly more calm now that his master had arrived. Strangely he closed his eyes as if expecting something bad, and as if that wasn't the first time something like that happened.

A young man entered the hall in large and flamboyant steps. Beautiful like a prince, strong as a veteran warrior. Tall and impressive with his long blue and white robes and a majestic sky blue cloak. He also wore a good number of golden rings with some jewels. His hair was short and light brown. His body muscular and thin.

He approached the hanging old man, and cut the rope in single fast move with a richly adorned dagger. Ferel fell to the ground with a sickening noise of bones hitting the floor. He then mumbled some more, kneeled, kissed his lord's sapphire ring and left the room still mumbling.

The young Orgauth then turned to the ladies and smiled brightly with perfectly aligned and bright white teeth.

"Ohh my beloved guests, I am terribly sorry for keeping you waiting, but I was training in the backyard. A paladin must be always ready to face evil don't you agree?" Not waiting for an answer he just sat and clapped his hands, and a number of previously unseen servants walked in and served food and drinks.

For the next part to the thrilling Adventures of One Drunk and her Rabbit read Chapter 3