Tavern rules

From BattleMaster Wiki
Revision as of 04:58, 21 July 2010 by Oszero (talk | contribs)

Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen to the Gilded Unicorn, Finest drinking establishment in Battlemasterra.

Please follow our house rules, as failure to adhere to them will result in banning from the premises.

  1. The normal BM RP rules still apply. The rules can be found here: Roleplaying
  2. Please keep IC, this Tavern is for your characters, not you. If you want an OOC chat there are many other channels, including the main BM channel.
    • If you need to type OOC, please mark it appropriately.
  3. Please try to keep it clean. Romance is fine but remember this is a tavern, not a whore house.
  4. Have fun!