Sanguis Astroism/The Magistratum/Allison Two/AllisonMagistratum

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Letter from Allison Kabrinski (4 days, 12 hours ago) Message sent to: Rowan Geronus Brother Rowan,

I have a very serious Sanguis Astroism matter to discuss with you. I request your assistance. Before I am willing to discuss it with you I require your Oath upon the Stars that this matter will remain between the two of us. That you will in no way share this information with others on fate of excommunication. Whether or not you assist me is completely up to you, but your secrecy is paramount.

Allison Kabrinski Light of the Maddening Star of Sanguis Astroism and Archon of Xinhai, Duchess of Aegir

Letter from Rowan Geronus (4 days, 10 hours ago) Sister Allison,

I swear upon the Holy Bloodstars themselves that nothing of what we discuss henceforth will I share with anyone, lest I have your express permission. Now I am most intrigued. What could be of such grave import as to require such a dire oath of secrecy?

Per Arda Ad Astra,

Sir Rowan Geronus Strategos of Astrum, Count of Ammando

Letter from Allison Kabrinski (4 days, 8 hours ago) (Personal message to Rowan Geronus) What you ask? Aram... He has betrayed his oaths and ignored a direct order from me. Not just once... but for over 2 SEASONS. I have continued and continued to give him the benefit of the doubt. No more...

I have begun traveling to Eidulb from Donghaiwei. If he has not done as he was told by that time I told him he is going to be excommunicated. I have made my stance quite clear with the Elders of Sanguis Astroism. Many have supported it and not one has opposed it.

What I need to know from you is if you are willing to assist me. Once I arrive in Eidulb I will kick him out of the church. I need all the Astrum troops out of the capitol. I will Auto Da Fe Aram and remove him from his Ducal seat in Eidulb. In order for that to succeed I need as many troops out of the city as possible. I also need as many of the militia to be disbanded as well.

You are the one person who is in a situation to do that. I do not know if you are willing to do it. Anyway, that is the plan. If I reach Eidulb before he does as he is ordered he is kicked out of SA in either case. I think it would be beneficial for everyone to just remove him from the city at the same time.

Allison Kabrinski Archon of Xinhai, Duchess of Aegir

Letter from Rowan Geronus (3 days, 23 hours ago) Sister Allison,

You have an impeccably bad sense of timing. I have only recently announced that I will not be running again for Strategos and we are now in the midst of an election. You have two days to reach Eidulb whilst I am still Strategos. I am on my way back there now and if you will be in the vicinity soon enough I can maybe disband the militia there before the election is finished.

There are also delicate political ramifications to all this. Many thousands of peasants may die in the attempt, and there may be outrage here if we do not frame it carefully. I think we can justify not giving him the city back (assuming you are successful). I would however like to ask that we include the Vasilif and also my successor in this conversation. The Vasilif is trusty. My successor looks to be either Duke Sergio or Duke Martin, though Duke Turin also runs.

Of course, if you arrive in a timely manner, we will not need to include my successor.

Sir Rowan Geronus Strategos of Astrum, Count of Ammando

Letter from Ysgarren Addonwy (2 days, 20 hours ago) Archon and Light,

Strategos Rowan has informed me that there is delicate situation you have knowledge of. He told me that an oath of secrecy would be required to learn the contents of your plan. I, Vasilif and elder Addonwy of my family, do swear this oath of secrecy to not divulge your plans to those who are not included in the clandestine nature of this matter.

What, pray do tell, is your plan?

With Regard,

Ysgarren Addonwy

Letter from Allison Kabrinski (2 days, 19 hours ago) (Personal message to Ysgarren Addonwy)


Aram has defied his orders and his oaths. If he has not followed through with the reforms of the Gaurdians of the Temple by the time I arrive in Eidulb I shall be excommunicating him from the church. I have shared my plans with the Elders of the Faith and none spoke out against it. This part isn't up for discussion...

This next part though I would like your help with. As soon as I excommunicate Aram I would like to Auto Da Fe him. Removing him from his Ducal seat. For this to be as painless and bloodless as possible though I would like you to get as many troops as possible out of Eidulb. It may cause the peasants to clash with any troops in the region and that would be bad. If you can come up with a reason to get the General to disband any militia in the city that would be useful too.

Allison Kabrinski Archon of Xinhai, Duchess of Aegir

Letter from Ysgarren Addonwy (2 days, 8 hours ago) Archon,

I will fabricate a suitable rationale for the disbandment of militia in Eidulb.

Ysgarren Addonwy Vasilif of Astrum

Letter from Allison Kabrinski (21 hours, 23 minutes ago) Message sent to: Ysgarren Addonwy Vasilif Ysgarren,

Aram was a trouble maker. I am sure you are quite happy to see him removed from his Ducal seat. I understand that you will probably have to condemn my actions in public. In the end though we both know that I did you a favor just now. On top of that I am the one who is going to take all the grief for it. A double win for you.

Allison Kabrinski Archon of Xinhai, Duchess of Aegir

Letter from Ysgarren Addonwy (20 hours, 45 minutes ago) This selfless favor of yours shall not be forgotten by those involved.

Ysgarren Addonwy Vasilif of Astrum

Letter from Allison Kabrinski (19 hours ago) Message sent to: Ysgarren Addonwy Vasilif,

Do you wish your role in this to remain secret? I did seek your permission before I commenced with the Auto Da Fe. But I understand if you wish for that to remain confidential.

Allison Kabrinski Archon of Xinhai, Duchess of Aegir

Letter from Ysgarren Addonwy (14 hours, 33 minutes ago) Having my involvement and support veiled would be of use for cleaning up the aftermath.

Ysgarren Addonwy Vasilif of Astrum