Felhand Family

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The Felhand Family

Felhand Coat of Arms

The Felhand Family are originally from Norland. The active nobles are:

Other members of the Felhand Family

  • Zalendrell the Baffled - Aged 43. Father of Davendrall and Calvindrell. Not completely with it.
  • Estanna the Empathetic - Aged 40. Mother of Davendrall and Calvindrell. Has a great ability to understand others.
  • Valendrell. the Bold (or was it bald) - Aged 37. Brother of Zalendrell, father of Kytondrell, Lynadrall and Myandrell. Serious character with lack of scene of humor.
  • Dalla the Elated - Aged 37. Wife of Valendrell, mother of his children. Full optimist.
  • Kytondrell the Sly - Aged 17. Very cunning character, obsessed with making money and tricking others.
  • Lynadrall the Relentless - Aged 16. You really don't want to get on the wrong side of her.
  • Myandrell the Completely Insane - Aged 15. Myandrell was forced to be disowned by his noble family when he was diagnosed as clinically insane after going on a crazy rampage, killing a hoard of un-dead and monsters with his teeth, while frothing at his mouth and screaming "Nom nom nom!" He lives in a mental asylum, strapped down, encase he eats another doctor.
  • Bobdrell - From accounting.

Felhand Family Tree

Felhand Family Tree

Enemies of the house of Felhand

  • Caitlin Stormcrow - For annoying Nikkitanilas and trying to take over Zisswii using religion
  • Madog Mugurk - For tricking Davendrall and killing off most of her troops
  • Escent Noble - For attempting to assassinate Nikkitanilas