Of the Scipii Family/Valerius Severus

From BattleMaster Wiki

Present Information

TITLES: Royal Of Norland
REGION: Currently : None
LIEGE: Currently : None
ARMY: Currently : None
UNIT: Currently : None

  • His "Special Hat", given to him by his liege Duke Fenrig Harkonnen, whom Valak revered.

ODDITIES: Where to begin?

Unique Items:

None as of yet

Titles and Positions Held

  • Knight of Brackhead
  • Second-in-Command of The Army Of Thor's Hammer
  • Marshal of The Army Of Thor's Hammer
  • Thane Jarl of Norland (General)
  • Konungr of Norland (Ruler)


" ... when sleep-depravation induces motivation and provides inspiration ... ism"