Of the Scipii Family/Aulus Severus/Scouts: the Prey

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Scout Captured (just in) Your men bring you an enemy scout who was captured while trying to gather information about the region. You can beat out of him that he was sent by Sir Aulus Severus of the Scipii, Count of Oberndorf, Ambassador of Fontan, who has his camp in Ashforth currently.

Scouts: the Prey

03:44, 31 January 2010 (UTC)03:44, 31 January 2010 (UTC)03:44, 31 January 2010 (UTC)~

The Hawk swooped in fast, rounding the tower smoothly and diving toward the outstretched hand. Aaryan’s talon’s clasped the thickly padded leather glove and his owner expertly took the bird’s weight as he landed, presenting a dead juvenile rat as a reward. As the bird snapped its beak and took the rodent from Aulus’ hand the Lord frowned as he looked out over Ashforth’s battlements, puzzled. The sun was just beginning to set and casting long shadows of the city’s walls across the surrounding fields.

“He’s still not returned?”

Aulus subconsciously stroked the mottled brown plumage near the bird’s neck with the back of his finger as he turned to his small retinue. He had a large number of scouts, who were bunched together at the foot of the steps that lead up to the battlements where Aulus was standing, all looking decisively worried.

“No Sir” one of the scouts said sharply, bowing his head and looking between his fellows as the Lord raised his eye brows “No sign of him anywhere”

“I see …, and he was tasked with exploring the city?”

“Aye sir” another of the seven present scouts spoke up as he stepped forward, he was the oldest at almost 20 years and usually acted as the Scout Master with the young, new recuits. “And he’s well overtime, we’ve been to Dale and Tabost an’ back and ‘e shoulda made his return long afore us”

“Yes quite” said Aulus

“He’s probably deserted, or most likely off finding himself some entertainment” laughed one of the four S.F. soldiers bluntly, who formed Aulus’ private guard. The small unit was busy annoying a sentry by standing almost completely across the walkway that lead to the guard tower behind them. The guardsman shuffled past only a few inches from the edge of the wall as he continued his patrol and glared angrily at the solders, but holding his tongue due to Aulus‘ presence. “First time a big city..” the man continued “.. Could easily have fallen to some temptations”

“James isn’t like that” shot another of the scouts angrily across to the man, whose amused face did little to hide his implication

“And you might be?” Aulus asked softly

“Johrian …” said the scout quietly, looking to Aulus “James is my younger brother, by a year, he’s 15”

“Right” said Aulus, pausing for a moment with the awkwardness of the situation “We’ll make sure to find him” he reassured the scout, before addressing the whole group “I want all of you to sweep the city once more, see if we can’t locate our man, whatever he’s up to. But I’ll need you back before midnight.”

Dismissing the scouts, who quickly turned and planned between them the area each would search, Aulus looked to the four soldiers “You had better prepare yourselves too, the raid this evening won’t be an easy one” he warned the men, who dropped their grins and nodded, before setting about ensuring their swords, bows and equipment packs were ready.

Aulus looked to the scout report he had spread atop one of the castellations and nodded. Deep down he felt the old sickening pang he always did before marching to battle, this time, however, he hoped there wouldn’t be a battle, a quick-snatch-and-grab-raid was all he wanted, but had a terrible feeling they had left it too late.

Still, if they succeeded, the rewards would be worth it.

03:44, 31 January 2010 (UTC)03:44, 31 January 2010 (UTC)03:44, 31 January 2010 (UTC)03:44, 31 January 2010 (UTC)~~

“Caught a scout?” asked Numerius, as he and his captain strode toward the band of Archers gathered in the fields outside Ashforth City. The knight carried his bow and a pheasant still stuck with an arrow he had shot from the woods nearby on a small hunt.

“Yessir” reported Nathandar, hurrying alongside Numerius “Just an hour or so after you left, one of the men tackled him as he went into the woods for a piss and caught him watching the camp” The solders had been leisurely practising with their bows and cleaning their equipment, and stood to as their leader approached. “He came without too much of a beating, turns out he’s one of ours”

“Is that so?” asked Numerius as he reached the small fire and collection of soldiers, depositing his bow and quiver and throwing the bird he had caught to the man nearest the fire, who instantly began plucking.

“So where is he then?” said Numerius, before noticing the boy with a bloodied nose held between two of the soldiers. He was somewhere in his teens and looked quite relaxed about the whole situation, barely needing the guards to hold him at all.

‘Good thing he’s not been too damaged, and can be sent back to whoever employs him’ thought Numerius ‘with a note suggesting he hires better scouts, obviously’

“State your name and owner” ordered Nathandar to the seemingly bemused scout, while Numerius removed the thick cloak he wore and folded it beside his bow

“James” said the boy “and I serve Sir Aulus Severus of the Scipii, Count of Oberndorf, Ambassador of Fontan”

Nathandar slowly to turned to look at Numerius, who had been half way between removing one of his gloves and instead straightened up, pulling the garment back on.

“Do you now!” said Numerius with a light tone “I suppose you’re from Oberndorf are you?” he asked.

“Why yes sir, trained at the Oberndorf Scout Academy along with my brother, also in the employ of ‘is Lordship” said the youth proudly

“Excellent” said Numerius, taking a step forward and looking around at his men, who were all watching now “I’m Sir Numerius Severus of the Scipii”

“Relative of ‘is Lordship Aulus?” enquired the scout

“Why yes, brother in-fact”

“Well he’s here sir, in Ashforth City, preparing to march northward, you should go see him sir” continued the boy naively “he’s a good Lord, you should be proud of ‘im sir”

,‘In Ashforth is Aulus, most interesting, I’ll have to see what’s torn that cowardly paper-snail away from his Manor for once’ thought Numerius, suddenly growing tired of the youth’s incessant mutterings and unbefitting suggestions

“Go see him?” asked Numerius with a dark smile “I would rather spend a sociable evening with an elf, or cut off my own head” Numerius stepped forward again, drawing his knife quickly “but I’m afraid seeing him again is more likely an occurrence for me than it is for you, and words such as ‘Aulus is a good Lord’ are the sort of things that get you killed, spy”

As the scout’s face dropped into one of puzzlement, Numerius quickly plunged his dagger straight into the boy’s chest.

As the guards released him and he limply fell to the ground without a sound, Numerius dried his knife on a cloth from his pocket and turned to the reports his Captain had presented to him. Nathandar handed them over and quickly turned away, rolling his eyes at what he’d just seen. This Scipii family seemed to have more problems than not.

Reading the reports quickly, Numerius noticed the names of those in Dale

“Priests” he muttered with a smile, turning to his men he said quickly “I hope we have some rope … I fancy some more hunting”