Melhed/History/Age of Blood/Mercenaries

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Dawn of the Age

  • Rubeus the Mad arrives in the Theocracy of Melhed based in Agyr, which is besieged by Children forces. – Beginning of the Age of Blood
  • The Mad makes a pact with Pontifix Argos the Wise. In exchange for a realm his own Rubeus will bring a contingent of mercenaries to fight for Melhed.
  • The Mercenaries arrive, and with their help, the Children are driven back. Arrival of Tsu Sun, Koban and Realla.
  • Pontifix Argos the Wise perishes in the final battle with the undead, at what would become known as the Fell Crossing in Bil Havil.
  • HighGuard the Rash ascends to the throne of Melhed, Rubeus the Mad elected as Grand General
  • With the Children vanquished Melhed begins to liberate the land.
  • When the Mercenaries come to collect their pay, HighGuard reneges on the agreement.
  • Furious, Rubeus attempts to assassinate High Guard, and leads a rebellion. The bloody coup succeeds transforming Melhed into a Tyranny under Dictator Rubeus, with Tsu becomes Executor
  • High Guard the Rash is overthrown, supporters banned, and flee to the Republic of Fronen, based in Fronepu.
  • Melhed expands into neighbouring regions under Rubeus. By the end of this time Melhed holds sway from Agyr to Ieara, Bil Havil to Trottie. Forming the Melhed Circle
  • Arrival of Aldo Unti, Morgan Darby, Bob Baceolus
  • Debates abound about weather to attack the Republic of Fronen or the Democracy of Ar Agyr, based in Unger. Though Ar Agyr seemed the weaker target the presence of HighGuard in Fronen proved tempting.
  • Rubeus leads a surprise attack on Fronepu, capitol of Fronen while the Fronenites are in the south. After sacking the city the Melhed army is engaged in the fields of Lloringel and destroyed. Fronen launches a counter attack soon after
  • Rubeus descends into madness as Fronen soldiers roll over the hastily made defensive forces. Drinking heavily and becoming erratic Rubeus orders the deaths of many members of the realm council.
  • Aldo, Morgan, and Bob rally what little remains of the army and attempt to stem the tide

Morning of the Age

  • Tsu the Bold leads a peaceful coup and removes Rubeus from office, before ascending to the throne himself.
  • Tsu opens diplomatic relations with Fronen and Ar Agyr, currently ruled by Raptor the Calm
  • Tsu achieves peace with Fronen and in exchange is to step down in favour of a Fronen lord and that Melhed be reformed into a Republic.
  • Eugene the Small assumes Dictatorship on behalf of Fronen.
  • During the reign of the puppet king and his court from Fronen, purges remove many mercenary supporters and limit the freedom of Melhed nobles.
  • Eugene dispatches the Melhed army to support the combined attack of Fronen and Old Grekh on Sylantin, based in Wudenkin. Not permitted weapons the Melhed nobles are quickly defeated and returned home for more reinforcements while the Fronen elite remain in the field.
  • Before the Fronen elite return, the Democracy of Enwiel, based in Fengen, threatened to invade all nations that were not republics or democracies. With Melhed still not a republic as par the surrender terms and an invasion imminent, Tsu leads a rebellion to transform Melhed into a Republic
  • Though unhappy with the loss of Melhed, Fronen leaves the nation alone on the urging of Enwiel and Ar Agyr
  • Stepping down to allow a vote for ruler, Tsu is soon re-elected, taking the official title of Emperor

Afternoon of the Age

  • Peace reigns, construction of the Imperial Palace begins
  • Fronen and allies become hostile towards the Democracy of Ar Agyr under Raptor.
  • Grand General Aldo Unti despatches the Melhed army to intercept a Fronen raid on Ar Agyr, setting off the Great War between the Defensive Alliance and the North
  • The North started as Ar Agyr, Melhed, Old Grehk and Voghor based in Zod but Old Grehk and Voghor pulled out before the fighting began.
  • The Defensive Alliance consisted of Republic of Fronen, Democracy of Mesh based in Poitra, Democracy of Enwiel, Deomcracy of Riombara based in Rines, Democracy of Ashborn based in Keffa, Democracy of Plergoth based in Creasur, Democracy of Marca da Pantera based in Tahgalez
  • The dawn of the war found the North armies in Qual, while the Defensive Alliance mustered in Lloringel.
  • Ar Agyr and Melhed attack Lloringel, but moving is slow through mountain regions and infiltrators split up half the army. The Melhed and Ar Agyr army is destroyed
  • Ar Agyr and Melhed fought a brutal war against the Defensive Alliance, thousands die each day.
  • Massive attack is launched on Melhed while Ar Agyr was away refitting. The famous Last Charge of the Berserkers on the plains of Gor Ault saw the entire Melhed army charge the invaders in a blood rage. Melhed is defeated, but casualties are so high for the Defensive Alliance that the invasion was called off.

Twilight of the Age

  • Sensing weakness the Children begin a new wave of attacks on human habitation slaughtering countless numbers while the armies of the south were away.
  • End of the Great War
  • Weakened by the long war and exposed, Ar Agyr falls to the forces of the Children soon after.
  • Emperor Tsu vanishes, and Aldo Unti ascends to the Golden Throne –beginning of the Age of Reason