Cagilan Tribune

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3rd Friday of December
Senior Editor: Antonio Brutonis
Scribe: Marcus the Scribe

Flash! Cagilan Tribune Debut!
The commencement of the CT comes during a time of strife. As Marshal Jeren Mithril Tybonn the Fyrd of Ered Luin put down the cursed manifestations of evil that plauge the oldest parts of Atamara, the rest of the Empires Armies are recovering from a failed attempt at breaching the walls of Falasan's last haven - Barad Gardor. A massive coalition of CE and it's allies threw themselves onto the walls of the enemy but failed to out banners of victory, many good men died that day. Take faith in that the Honorable General Enri assures all that Atamara shall see the walls crumble soon enough. What will be Falasan's fate? The Rabbit is caged and it is only a matter of time before the foxes find their prey.

It is during these times that the present must be preserved so that future generations. We at the CT will do out best to get the latest information, the breaking stories and interviews with those who lead as well as those who follow.
Do you have a story to tell?
The Tribune wants to hear it, as well as the rest of Atamara! Were you at the siege of Barad Gardor? Where were you during the first war with Falasan? The Republic has many voices, twice as many eyes and ears! Much of history has already been lost. Many people do not even realize that the Cagilan Empire is one of the four - soon to be three - original realms of Atamara. Help us secure our history, let us hear your story by sending it to the press!
What we need from you!
Stories: We want to hear the events that shape our lives. From the adventurer to the Prime Minister himself.
Illustrations: Political cartoons of lite satire are welcome, as long as they are in good taste. Do you have an illustration of your home or unit? We would like to share that as well.
Religion: This is an open forum to the Republic, as long as your religion is sanctioned by the Empire you have a voice here as well. What makes The Order special? Or the Word? What of the Way of the Warrior Saints? This is a forum for all faiths of the Empire. As a civilized people we should be able to explore and understand all the faiths of the realm.