Protectorate of Obsidian Islands/Reasons

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Report from Hamilton Vita (46 minutes ago) Message sent to the Rulers of East Continent (9 recipients) Letter from Shady Soulja (11 hours, 22 minutes ago)

Duke Hamilton,

I must admit, this is quite a...unique request. One that comes as a surprise, and I have approached my realm with. I am speaking with a few potential candidates, and will hopefully have an answer for you with in a day or two.

Shady Soulja Emperor of Obsidian Islands

Report from Hamilton Vita (just sent) (Personal message to Shady Soulja) Emperor Shady Soulja,

Thank you for accepting the terms of our vassalage to the Empire of Obsidian Islands.

OOC: He's gone insane post-itorunt don't be shocked if some odd things happen...

Sir Hamilton Vita Duke of Itorunt

Report from Hamilton Vita (just sent) Message sent to everyone in your realm (30 recipients) Regina Morgana has broken her oath to Itorunt Duchy by working to keep Itorunt Duchy subjugated by a higher ducal tax rate than was in our oath. Plans to see an open election for the council positions have been thwarted, preventing nobility to have a choice in their council members and see it resolved. This is all a master plan at preventing me to have my greatness bless Itorunt! Regina Morgana has doomed Itorunt through tyrannical methods!

Sir Hamilton Vita Duke of Itorunt

The Empire of Obsidian Islands has offered to allow us to exist as a protectorate of the Emperor Shady Soulja after Regina's betrayal of an oath. I will hold the office until an appropriate candidate is accepted by Esteemed Emperor Shady Soulja.

Sir Hamilton Vita Ruler of Protectorate of Obsidian Islands, Duke of Itorunt

Report from Hamilton Vita (16 minutes ago) Message sent to the Rulers of East Continent (9 recipients) In celebration of the new Protectorate of Obsidian Islands, the incredible horses of Itorunt City, the marriage of myself to Kaylan McDowell and the impending death of Caligus, I present a jousting tournament within Itorunt City!

I expect every member of the extended Obsidian Empire to be in attendance!

OOC: Would Sceptre of Ibladesh show up(doesn't he have best EC jousting skill)? That would be supremely ironic...

Sir Hamilton Vita Imperial Regent of Protectorate of Obsidian Islands, Duke of Itorunt

Report from Hamilton Vita (12 minutes ago) Message sent to all nobles in the region Itorunt (38 recipients) Paladin Primus,

Do not rush to a hasty decision. I am merely devoted to my oaths, unlike Regina Morgana who has betrayed her oath to me. As part of my oaths, I curse the name of my enemies! I no longer hold such an oath due to her betrayal and curse the name of Itorunt and the dishonorable Regina.

Sir Hamilton Vita Imperial Regent of Protectorate of Obsidian Islands, Duke of Itorunt

Report from Hamilton Vita (just sent) Message sent to the Rulers of East Continent (9 recipients) I am working to bring relations as close to Obsidian Islands' stances as possible.

Sir Hamilton Vita Imperial Regent of Protectorate of Obsidian Islands, Duke of Itorunt