Of Umbar Family

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Ar Pharazon the Golden's Infiltrator stats

Assasinations: 3 Militia: 1

Record of Assasinations


You set out on a mission to take out Evelyn Dembonez, Countess of Moyale. You manage to sneak into her sleeping quarters unnoticed. Silently, you sneak up on your target, and surprise her. You quickly put her down for good, seriously wounding her before you make your escape. You successfully escape the guards and vanish into the shadows again.


You set out on a mission to take out Kellen Tavadon (Knight of Aestus). You manage to sneak into his sleeping quarters unnoticed. Silently, you sneak up on your target, and surprise him. You quickly put him down for good, seriously wounding him before you make your escape. You were spotted and clearly identified, but you managed to get away.

As your deeds become known throughout the lands, your honour drops 4 points.


You set out on a mission to take out Zoe Agenor, Countess of Nascot, Ambassador of Caligus. You manage to sneak into her sleeping quarters unnoticed. Silently, you sneak up on your target, and surprise her. You quickly put her down for good, seriously wounding her before you make your escape. You successfully escape the guards and vanish into the shadows again.