Doomed Book of Abundance

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This book was first found by Karlean Marrion, son of the House of Marrion, younger brother of the late Madlon "The Cunning" Marrion, in the region of Tabost in Fontan on the East Continent.

After a grand battle against the invaders from Sirion in Tabost the men of Karlean went to search for replacement equipment and while searching one of the soldiers found this book dug in the ground under a tree. It was only by a huge chance of luck that the Book was found, the tired soldier sat down to rest in the shades of the tree and while taking time to catch his breath and tend to his minor wounds he noticed a little lump of earth was standing out from the ground. Digging a little bit he touched something hard, after removing it from the ground it was written inside "The Doomed Book of Abundance".

Grants +1 prestige to the carrier.