Evil Book of the Damned

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Revision as of 05:56, 4 September 2009 by Bluelake (talk | contribs)
Type Book
Discovered By Charlotte Grancourt
Discovery Date (unknown)
Discovery Location Far east
Abilities (unknown)
Current Owner (unknown)

A Book Of Strange Power.

Since the dawn of time man has been troubled by the presence of evil. The physical world has long been the stage and plaything of powers far greater than man's understanding. Man has much to fear from the powers of Chaos, it is a corrupting influence that will damn whose hearts and minds are made open to it. As such many fear anything supernatural and are wary of enchantments, spells and other divine or demonic influences. This is done much out of ignorance as it is done out of the desire to defend one's soul from the evil lurking in the shadows. As such many items good and evil are labelled as evil or dark out of this fear and ignorance. The Evil Book Of The Damned is no different. The book is from the dawn of time, one of the few Necronomic remaining, a book that acts as a catalog of conjurations as well as exorsism and wards against daemons. The user of the book and their intentions make its use for good or evil. In the presence of other artifacts the greater evils that could be unleashed by the book are nullified, this arose out of the fears of holy men, magicians, and necromacers a like. Its one thing to hold something capable of evil in your hand, but another to use it or let someone use it for that matter. These days the books is always accompanied by a priest and an artifact to counter the dangerous.