Fulgor Family

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The Fulgor family originated from the badlands of Sordidus, on the East Continent. While the family has owned land in the area for generations, it was only a year ago that fortune finally smiled on the hard-working members of this clan, allowing their three sons, Kultan, Omel and Tan, to leave the familial estate and seek their fortunes elsewhere. Regretfully due to the volatile politics of this continent, none of the three have been able to return since, which is all the more distressing to them given the advanced age of their father, Raen.


The Bard

The eldest of the three brothers, and the only one to serve in the realm that his family swore allegiance to (at the time, Fontan). Bored by the ramblings of the ruling class, he soon found passage on a ship to Beluaterre, ending up in the realm of Melhed. He served the forces of Melhed with distinction at a time where half the island was attacking the small realm for the crimes of its previous ruler, and during the unending assaults of monsters and undead during the long winter. With the spring thaw he decided to return to the East Continent, ending up in the realm of Avamar where he remains to this day.

Growing up, Kultan was the only member of the family (stretching back several generations) to show any aptitude for music. Compared to his siblings, his musical abilities were astouding; to others, merely interesting. However, during the dark winter while couped up in Melhed's capital city of Agyr, an old one-eyed bard became his musical mentor, and soon Kultan was playing to sold-out crowds at the Dwarven Choral Combat Unit nightclub. In Avamar he continued his playing, though given that Avamar is the cultural capital of the continent he now faces stiff competition.

Like many bards, Kultan's skills are varied. He's equally at home with a soldier's sword, a trader's scales or a bureaucrat's pen, having fulfilled all three roles during his time in Melhed. The only things he fears are monsters (he was seriously wounded in an attack during the early days of the invasion in Beluaterre) and the crazy whip-wielding women of Avamar.

Unlike his brothers, Kultan has never held a countship or a government position. He argues that he refuses to be tied down to one spot, though Tan and Omel believe that no ruler has seen fit to trust him.

