Secret Tribunal: Kira Hibiki

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I was approached by a group of nobles of the realm of Arcachon, to investigate brother Kira Hibiki, then general of their realm. The following is the messages intercepted and brought to me by my agents, all rebel names excluding Kira's have been replaced with <Noble>:

Letter from Kira Hibiki (21 days, 7 hours ago) <Noble>, For Arcachons Glory we must remove the Pontifex. He's become delusional and thinks he himself is Adghar reincarnate. It's time for a new era for Arcachon.

Signed, Kira Hibiki Leader of the rebellion

Kira Hibiki General of Arcachon, Marshal of the Knights of the Shadow

Anonymous Underground Message (21 days, 7 hours ago) I have made contact with one from the underground. So far as I know myself and him will be in position.


Leader of the rebellion

Letter from Kira Hibiki (21 days, 6 hours ago) There won't be much of a fight...I will ensure that no milita will stand in our way, or at least have the largest milita force gone by our arrival.

(OOC: Not sure if you can get rid of a lot of milita at once or not hope so though)

Kira Hibiki General of Arcachon, Marshal of the Knights of the Shadows

Letter from Kira Hibiki (21 days, 5 hours ago) No but I will be come the morning. Hopefully our brothers and sisters of the underground show their faces as well otherwise it may all be for naught.

(OOC: Asking around now hopefully I get a reply)

Kira Hibiki General of Arcachon, Marshal of the Knights of the Shadows

Letter from Kira Hibiki (21 days, 5 hours ago) I may need you to be my voice in the underground <Noble>. We may very well have a spy. I beleive this to be so because pratically the whole realm is leaving and making their way towards that capitol. As General I am privliaged to see the armies and their troop movements but not destinations. I do not want to be caught for if I am then the chance of a rebellion succeeding is very slim indeed, what with all those milita along the walls.

Are you willing? I may have you contact select members of the realm and question their loyalties so we can figure out whos on our side.

For Arcachon's Glory,

Kira Hibiki General of Arcachon, Marshal of the Knights of the Shadows

Letter from Kira Hibiki (21 days, 4 hours ago) If it is true then we won't stand a chance militarily. With Octavio and Cerber they can hand out funds to loyal nobles to recruit units to the size of 50. Most likely they could add another 150 Possibly 200 men to their force with their income and Madras'

We may have to wait and contact select members of the rebellion individually. Everyong within the rebellion knows you for you were brave enough to be outspoken. There may be another noble, Sir <Noble> because he has a unit of 50 men but I'm unsure of SE so am asking him, as marshall and general to give units stats (cause is Ohnar West is planning an attack on AL which they aren't).

If they have a spy then it's off and you will be my voice in the underground. We'll have to get in contact with former Arcachon nobles who fled to the AL and hope they return.

I will have to think of a plan that they may not expect. I will leave the underground so you will have to forward me messages and the like.

(OOC: Thinking about having everyong in the rebellion contact <Noble>, you, and then everyone leaves the rebellion. No one then can be banned for being in it unless...well unless your the spy in which case it doesn't really matter anymore lol. After that we find the spy and eliminate him from the messages. Then someone they don't know would head to Tapaleiz and those two from the AL meet there hopefully they are willing and convince them to re-join Arcachon and ask forgivness (aka new recruits). After that that makes 8 (9 including spy). Then we got a chance, a slim one but still a chance tell me what you think OOCly but still working on some details about it all and what not to perfect the idea. Mostly it will re-liven the realm, start a new era for Arcachon, and intergrate the religion more so into Arcachon.)

Kira Hibiki General of Arcachon, Marshal of the Knights of the Shadows

Letter from Kira Hibiki (21 days, 2 hour ago) I have left the underground Sir <Noble>. Concerning the test those members of the underground will take. If they are Sartania I say we trust them. They are enemies of the current leadership no doubt for due to Octavio's short-sightedness we aided in their destruction. I know not how you feel but I for one did not like it. They were the only truely worthy opponent in the north. As such a good realm, far better then OW or Papania died because we failed to understand each other.

I have hopes to destroy OW and Papania by allowing a new Sartania to grow but one that will change and become an ally. One were our two religions can co-exist without conflict.

Under no circumstances though is my name to be brought about. Purhaps suggesting to those in the rebellion that they should contact you fast before the spy relates to Octavio. You may be in trouble but to free Arcachon this must be done. You will receive a grad position upon your return should that lunitic ban you from the realm.

I would like to get these nobles joining our cause but know not how to do it. They are former Sartania's and although I could lure them with the prospect of a colony realm for them I wonder how they would take it. I'm an honorable man but I'm unsure if they know me to be so. Here's the list of former Sartania's in our realm:

<Noble> <Noble> <Noble> <Noble> <Noble>

I may contact these nobles myself and try to win them over but I am unsure still. What do you think Sir <Noble>.

(OOC: Special position would be Judge seeing as Pontifex gives that position to a trusted ally.)

Kira Hibiki General of Arcachon, Marshal of the Knights of the Shadows

Letter from Kira Hibiki (20 day, 21 hours ago) If there is a spy then we'll know soon enough for he'll let Octavio know about the the plan to contact you. Octavio isn't dumb so he'll try to ban you before any thing else happens. If he doesn't though, then there may very well be no spy at all. We could give the all clear to those who contact you though only one would join the underground to warn others who haven't left that there isn't a spy.

This mass movement could very well be the begining of a defense for Arcaea and in turn the realms of the north from Soliferum, who just declared war on the AL and Arcaea. No doubt we'll be sending a token force, should Arcaea fall or falter then we don't stand a chance against Soliferum no matter whos in charge.

Let's hope the later is the case.

Kira Hibiki General of Arcachon, Marshal of the Knights of the Shadows

Letter from Kira Hibiki (1 day, 17 hours, 24 minutes ago) Very well. So far yourself and <Noble>...See about contacting those of the former realm of Sartania and try to sway them. A new colony realm at OW's Capitol City heading south to Papania. Only Sanzzos and Attlel from OW. The rest of Ohnairan lands would go to the AL.

Kira Hibiki General of Arcachon, Marshal of the Knights of the Shadows

Letter from Kira Hibiki (1 day, 8 hours, 28 minutes ago) <Noble>? Also what would you like to see happen as a rebel? What are your personal goals. Please ask the same of <Noble> and <Noble>.


Kira Hibiki General of Arcachon, Marshal of the Knights of the Shadows

Letter from Kira Hibiki (1day, 8 hours, 8 minutes ago) I can't aid in the rebellion anymore. My family forbids any involvment with rebels. I can no longer be the leader <Noble> and thus it befalls to you.

(OOC: Can't do it no more cuz gonna be more active with work cuz gotta save up for college. The whole two sides or two faces is wearing down my mind lol! Hope you bear no hard feelings. I will though not interfere with you progress. Go ahead and use soem of the plans though by all means. ANd you can still always say someone else is the leader in case there is a spy.)

Kira Hibiki General of Arcachon, Marshal of the Knights of the Shadows

end messages. These messages were intercepted from the general's camp, and are his own words to who we believe to be the second in command of the attempted rebellion. There were also messages going into the general that were intercepted, but they will be unveiled in investigations against the writers.