Old Rancagua Press/2nd January 2006

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Revision as of 14:49, 2 January 2006 by ScottSabin (talk | contribs)
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gondortree.png Old Rancagua Press
Price Free Editor: Sam, Count Of Juazeiro Issue No17 2nd January 2006
Printed In Oroya
New Islands Appear!
With the dust now settled most peasents are getting back to their lives. That is rebuilding and burying the dead, after the devastation that has been wreaked upon the East Continent, sailors have been telling of new lands formed around the volcano. They already have given the new lands names. Chaos Temple one of them.

As with all new events that have happened the realms closest sent people to confim the reports. Scout form Old Rancauga were one of the first to set foot ont he new lands. They reported a barren land made up of three main islands. Already people have begun to settle the new lands. But what does the future hold for us?

A colony is being prepared with a joint co-operation between Old Rancagua and Perdan. This new venture will hopefuly bring an end to the hostilities that have been present between the two realms.

Avamar No More
The realm of Avamar has finally fallen. The realm did not go out without a fight though. She put up a gallent fight, but it was not enough and only managed in delaying the inevitable. After the combined Armies of Old Rancagua, Sirion and Fontan stormed the city and destroyed the last remaining defence, Sirion Started a Take Over, with only small resistance and nothig like what had been shown just days before, the allies went back to their realms leaving Sirion with the job of cleaning up. The Realm wich had put up uch a fight for survival, now lies only in the history records and memories of those who knew her. Avamr is the third realm to have perished on the East Continent.
Rebellion in Fontan
A rebellion has been initiated in Fontan yesterday. While details are still sketchy, rumors have been heard that argiris is the leader. Apparently this rebellion has little or no support, and the Loyalist forces are getting the situation back under control.