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Revision as of 06:20, 1 May 2009 by Athins (talk | contribs) (I am dead certain a small estate is worth 6 and a lords estate is 12. Can someone confirm?)
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Estates for Knights

As a knight of a region you are given an estate. While away from your estate your stewards can help support the region in one of two ways. You are given three options to set your estate to:

  • Idle - Your estate does nothing to help the region. This is a good way to influence you liege, or get back at them for a wrong doing.
  • Support Authority - Your estate will help the local militia and police.
  • Support Production - Your estate will help with productivity and tax collection in the region.

Your liege will know which option is best for the region. If you feel so inclined you can also enlarge your estate. The larger the estate, the more it helps the region.

  • To enlarge your estate to a medium estate will cost 25 gold.
  • To enlarge your estate to a large estate will cost an additional 50 gold.

Estates for Lords

As a lord you are tasked with making sure your own and your knight's estates are set so that they keep the region in order. Your scribes provide an easy way of keeping tabs on the estates in your region, which you will see under current estates. You are told what estates are actively set to, how many are required for each to function at 100% capacity, and the efficiency of the estates. The goal is to have the efficiency above 100%, anything less and your region stats will drop. It is important to know that the numbers under active and required correspond to the size of the estates, not how many estates there are.

  • A Small estate is worth 6.
  • A Medium estate is worth 7.
  • A Large estate is worth 8.
  • A Lord's estate is worth 12.

The amount required is based upon your regions populace. The higher the population of your region, the more estates it will require. It is also important to know that it is based on the current population not the max population of the region. Thus if the population grows, more estates will be required.