East Continent Chronicler/Second Issue: (Special Edition: Avamar/Islands) December 2005

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"The issues that surround us are as complex as the people who create them." ~Finius Killison

http://wiki.battlemaster.org/images/ECCNews2.gif The East Continent Chronicler
Price: Free Circulation

News for the Entire Continent

Editor in Chief: Ardor Dracorus, Knight of Sir Temple

Editor: Grego Nosferatus, Knight of Tokat

Issue No. 2 Special Edition:

Avamar/Islands Edition, December 2005

Under Construction!
This issue is still under construction. It should be finalized within 24 hours.
Wrath of the Gods Felt Across Continent
Written by Ardor Dracorus, Knight of Sir Temple

The topic of strange rumors and preachings came to fruition three days ago climaxing in an entire day and night with no light and the appearance of two new islands and the population of the long-barren volcanic island off the west coast of the East Continent. These rumors created a large amount of unrest both among peasants and nobles. Nobles who had experienced the undead invasion of Beluaterra recalled that the signs were similar to what had occurred across the ocean. Others assumed that the Gods were intervening to save Avamar or destroy Sirion.

As things progressed, a cult leader appeared in Caligus calling people to repent of their sins. Those without sin were to sin so that they could repent and be saved. A prophet also appeared in Sirion Castle stating that an ancient temple had stood where the stronghold was, and that it needed to be restored to appease the Gods.

As the sky began to darken, various numbers of both peasants and nobles began either embracing or rejecting the cultists’ and prophets’ teachings. Strange creatures began to appear in Evora and in the forests of Itorunt and Ibladesh. A dead cow was found on the steps of the royal palace in Perdan. And dead fish began turning up all over the coasts of Old Rancagua.

The sky continued to darken as a series of titanic tidal waves broke over the shores of Oligarch, Perdan, and Itorunt. Civil war broke out in Dayr ar Zawr, resulting in the split of the region into Dayr and Zawr. The prophet called upon the powers of his temple to destroy the stronghold at Sirion Castle and raise up the ancient Sir Temple in its place.

Finally, the world stopped as the sky became so dark that no light could be had. The thick dust and soot prevented fires from being lit and a series of earthquakes rocked the western front of the continent. When the dust cleared, new islands were found on the western side of the of the continent as well as one to the north of Sirion. Land also rose up converting the Great Bay of Itorunt into a large inland lake. The lake is currently filled with seawater as it was previously part of the great ocean.

The death toll due to these events is in the tens of thousands. Many peasants have moved to the new islands to form small colonies. Many have even moved to the formerly uninhabitable volcanic island to the west where the Chaos Temple was found. Some hypothesize that some force in the Chaos Temple was the cause of the destruction and the rise of Sir Temple was the only thing that countered it. While this may be true, the only clear thing about the temples is that no one completely understands what they stand for or what powers those that possess them will control.

Rulers Speak on Avamar's Fall
Sir Lalakis, final Prime Minister of the People's Republic of Avamar wrote the following to the East Continent Chronicler regarding the fall of Avamar:

-->Placeholder for Lalakis' statement.

Sir Doc, Prime Minister of Sirion wrote the following to the East Continent Chronicler regarding the fall of Avamar:

The Reunification of the Ancient Sirion Republic...we are whole again, and the Civil War is over. Avamar will be rebuilt, and the 'smudge' in her history is already being razed and burned to the ground...nothing of the Drows will remain in Avamar...even their Graves and Corpses have been shipped out to sea, lit on fire, for Oceanus to do what he wishes with their souls.

But in Sirion, not a single Drow will rest, lest our Land be corrupted.

Avamar Falls
Written by Ardor Dracorus, Knight of Sir Temple

After 6 days of intense fighting throughout Avamar City, it has fallen to the forces of Sirion.

The initial invasion force was made up of Fontanese, Sirionites, and Old Rancaguans. The strength of this combined army was estimated to be close to 60,000 combat strength, with over 35 siege engines—several of which were used to breach the walls of Rancagua a few weeks before. The initial battle that ensued upon invasion took almost the entire day as the archers on both sides exchanged fire and the infantry of the invaders fought their way up the overcrowded siege engines to the defending army. Once on the walls, it became apparent that the Avamarian and Oligarcher defenders were outnumbered nearly 3 to 1.

Over the next few days, the invaders fought to take sections of the wall or flush out Avamarians holed up in various strongholds inside the city. Finally, the battles began taking place through the city, giving neither army the advantage over the other beyond the overpowering numbers of invaders.

In the end, the remaining Avamarian defenders became murderous when meeting Fontanese or Sirionite. This resulted in high casualties among Sirionite search parties unlucky enough to meet up with armed Avamarians.

Inspection of their camp two days before the fall of the city demonstrated that the defenders had food, but little else in the way of resources. The recruitment centers had been depleted and several peasants had been drafted by the lords of Avamar in an attempt to defend what they had come to consider their home. The buildings that housed them ranged in disrepair from a wall leaning against another half standing building over an alleyway to basements and cellars of buildings that had once existed before the battles.

Reasons for the invasion varied and were often countered by the Avamarian defenders. In an official statement by King Fuinir, the mission of the Old Rancaguan army in Avamar was to “end another bloody Civil War and bring peace to the people here.” He further stated that “Old Rancagua simply couldn’t agree to the same values of existence with Avamar.” Fontan appeared to be there to support allies and put down a long existing thorn in their side. Sirion’s stance was that Avamar had always been a part of Siron and that a gateway of evil was out of alignment, allowing evil to spread throughout the East Continent (see later story). Thus they were ending a Civil War and preventing the evil from getting worse.

The defenders expressed outrage at having three realms appear to wipe them out and credited their adversaries either with being duped by Doc or by being imperialistic and greedy. Furthermore, they branded Doc as a propagandist and attempted to counter nearly every statement made by an enemy noble regarding Avamar.

The repercussions of the fall of Avamar vary greatly. Avamar was considered by many to be a center of cultural and racial feats never seen before on the continent. Drows, elves, and men were said to live in peace. Ballads and poems were composed. According to the nobles of Avamar, an unequalled society that worked well together existed in the ancient city.

Militarily, it occupied at least part of Sirion’s and Fontan’s resources. Both through costs of militia to keep Avamar firmly boxed in and to prevent looting of their lands, but also in tying up their military to throw the Avamarian’s back when they broke through. Since this is no longer a worry for the two giants of the north, it is generally believed that Oligarch and, to some extent, Perdan, will feel the feel these repercussions the most. It also provides Avamar City’s resources to Sirion.

In the end, many consider Avamar’s fall a woeful loss. Others a rousing success. What you believe depends largely on which side you are on. In any case, truth of these matters is rarely clear.

A History of Avamar
Written by Ardor Dracorus

As with most things pertaining to the East Continent, there are two sides