Ancient Hat of Beauty

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Revision as of 20:54, 28 January 2009 by Vita` (talk | contribs)

Jenred grinned at Edara's face as she saw the Hat lying inside...It was a folded, pointed cap, with flowing metal tracery across it containing an occasional gem, and a feather pointing proudly out and back on the right side. But the oddest thing...One could not tell what colour the Hat was...Until Jenred picked it up, and carefully set it upon Edara's head. Then, it appeared to be a forest green, matching that of the silk undersuit she wore, a gift from their wedding, and setting off her hair perfectly. The metal was now the same red-gold featured on all Edara's jewelry, and the gems matched her emeralds in colour and cut. If the earlier glance had not been enough, this proved it was that rarest of items...

"Brooklyn told me it was the Ancient Hat of Beauty...And who better than my lovely Edara to wear it?"

Jenred looked approvingly at her. Somehow...Although it hardly seemed more possible...She seemed even more beautiful, in a fae, timeless way...

(Based on this hat )