
From BattleMaster Wiki

This is a proposal for a centralised monarchy based in Echuir where the monarch is the largest landholder within the realm. As it expands however, power would naturally be decentralised. The names and titles are subject to change.

The Mearc

((To be written up soon)) -Sorry to take over your page but I thought should add some details about the regions for the proposed colony


Type: City
Location: coast
Population: 4769
Gold: 1372 gold
Food: 64 bushels
Weather area: West Hills


Type: Townsland
Location: Coast
Population: 411
Gold: 538 gold
Food: 184 bushels
Weather area: West Hills

Vakreno Heaps

Type: Badlands
Location: coast
Population: 265
Gold: 243 gold
Food: 73 bushels
Weather area: West Hills


Type: Badlands
Location: lake
Population: 136
Gold: 309 gold
Food: 98 bushels
Weather area: West Hills

Barrow Peaks

Type: Mountains
Location: midland
Population: 137
Gold: 188 gold
Food: 15 bushels
Weather area: West Hills


Type: Woodland
Location: lake
Population: 171
Gold: 207 gold
Food: 155 bushels
Weather area: West Hills


Type: Townsland
Location: lake
Population: 191
Gold: 469 gold
Food: 148 bushels
Weather area: West Hills


Type: City
Location: midland
Population: 690
Gold: 858 gold
Food: 26 bushels
Weather area: West Hills


Type: Rural
Location: coast
Population: 108
Gold: 165 gold
Food: 183 bushels
Weather area: West Hills


Type: Rural
Location: coast
Population: 353
Gold: 198 gold
Food: 253 bushels
Weather area: West Hills


Type: Woodland
Location: lake
Population: 228
Gold: 230 gold
Food: 187 bushels
Weather area: West Hills


Type: Rural
Location: lake
Population: 440
Gold: 188 gold
Food: 221 bushels
Weather area: West Hills


Type: Townsland
Location: coast
Population: 559
Gold: 517 gold
Food: 171 bushels
Weather area: West Hills


Type: City
Location: coast
Population: 3095
Gold: 1037 gold
Food: 42 bushels
Weather area: West Hills

Grympen Mire

Type: Badlands
Location: coast
Population: 462
Gold: 290 gold
Food: 97 bushels
Weather area: West Barren