Astonishing Gem of Dizeddo

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The Astonishing Gem of Dizeddo Found!!

The adventurer, known as "the monster scurge", Durgen Skoorbosla has reported that he has found the Astonishing Gem of Dizeddo. A rare item believed to be lost from the early wars of Dwilight. Rumor has it that Durgen ripped the gem out of the clutches of a dying alpha monster just before finishing the beast off with his sword. Durgen continues to find artifact after artifact of ancient Astrum materials, and there seems to be no stopping him any time soon.

Perhaps one day he shall become a Knight of Astrum? Chances are unlikely, as it is reported that Sir Durgen highly enjoys his life and feels he is serving a better cause in the job he does now! What a commoner!

Name: Astonishing Gem of Dizeddo

Type: Accessory

Condition: 55%

Prestige: +4

Current Owner: Sir Durgen Skoorbosla