Lefanis Family/Hericus

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The contents of this page are not readily available to everyone, either because it is sensitive or because it is rare or otherwise little known knowledge. It is here for purpose of archiving, and OOC amusement, and this should be kept in mind while reading the contents of this page and all it's subpages.
In short, the contents of this page are to be considered OOC knowledge, except for Hericus himself.

The 3 Cavaliers

The story of three friends.

The Scouting of the West

Event from Vates
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Seated atop his palanquin, touring the city Vates raises his hand for the bearers to stop. His gaze shifts to study the stranger and his small contingent of soldiers before a rich and warm voice calls, "More outlanders have come to visit our city, I see. Welcome to you all."
Vates (Grandmaster)

Roleplay from Hericus
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Hericus bowed at the leader atop the palanquin.

I am grateful to you, o great one, for your welcome. Is there any way I could learn more about your people, and their culture?

Hericus bowed again at the end of his words, and nervously awaited a response.
Hericus (Noble)

Event from Vates
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Smiling faintly with mouth closed, "Perhaps. What is it you wish to learn?"Welcome to you all."
Vates (Grandmaster)

Roleplay from Hericus
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Hericus, surprised at so direct a response, thought which question to ask first, hundreds flashing through his mind, now that he had the chance, why could not they come easily to mind?

He finally decided to ask in a voice still a little high due to nerves, "Who are your people? What is your culture and your beliefs? I find that only through finding our similarities can we find common ground.."

Hericus bowed again and awaited a response.
Hericus (Noble)

Event from Vates
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Drumming his claws against the armrest Vates tilts his bald head. The mirror pools of radiance that were his eyes study Hericus with passing interest, his warm voice amused, "Such questions have many answers. Each different depending on who does the asking, and who the answering." Sweeping his strong arm around the squat stone dwellings and multitude of human faces lining the streets, "There are many options available to you, many answers to your questions. Have you sought them as well?" Turning back Vates leans forward in his seat, "Regardless, you have asked me, and I will answer momentarily. However first I have a question of my own, why are these things of importance to you? "
Vates (Grandmaster)

Roleplay from Hericus
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Hericus took a while to digest what he heard, and carefully though about the question posed to him, why indeed did he want to know it, but there were many reasons. "Your question... I have a few reasons. My name and reputation has been soiled by a power seeking fanatic, and by helping clear misconceptions about your people will help me make a new name for myself. Another is the inner desire of my people to unlock the secrets of our world, it is almost a instinct with us."
Hericus (Noble)

Event from Vates
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Vates studies Hericus for a long time, as though attempting to read if there was a deeper understanding to the words. Finally nodding his head once his voice amused, "Indeed."

Tapping his claw against his chin Vates ponders how best to answer the questions, "We are... the children of circumstance and......"

The response was cut short as the crowed further down the causeway suddenly burst into a wail. The weakest among them collapsed to their knees, clutching their head, while the strongest grit their teeth against the pain and raged. Turning his head sharply to gaze down the road, Vates hisses out his frustration. Cries of agony and rage echoed, and soon Hericus too could feel the approaching wave. Soon the light whisper in the back of his head blossomed into a shriek, the unending cry seemed to lance through his heart and grip his soul.

As the hellish cacophony rose Hericus could see the great behemoth clattering towards him. A black tower of interlocking bone plates, the multi-limbed horror skittered along on six talon-like legs while the four syth-like arms high up on their extra long torso glided menacingly through the air. Rushing headlong towards the palanquin soon enough the thresher like maw could be seen, writhing in anticipation, while compound eyes gazed on.

Before Hericus could blink the creature descended upon his few soldiers, flailing its barbed limbs, striking out left and right. The men did what they could to shrug off the hideous sound and defend themselves, but all too soon the black monolith was stained red with gore and blood. Worst of all, was the dreaded screech, the soul rending anger transformed into a triumphant coo, the hot blood of good men satiating the creature for a few moments. Yet all too soon it turned towards Hericus, intent on rending him asunder.

Sick to your stomach already from the wanton sight of death you shiver as Vates stands and opens his mouth wide. With teeth like knives and a mouth, no a maw, beyond impossible for a man, the previously eloquent daimon roared in rage at the juggernaut Ira. The two stood locked in contest, a battle of wills for the last outlander, the primal cries echoing through the city. Finally after what seemed an eternity, with the inky blackness of unconsciousness threatening to claim Hericus from the tugging at his soul, the bloody monster relents and retreats back down the street, with a smoldering gaze.

Turning to look down at Hericus Vates composes himself with effort, and calls to the zuma people who struggled to their feet with his previous warm timber, "Our guest is injured. See to his health, I would have him strong and fit. Inform me when he has awakened....

There is more, but Hericus blacks out just as the strong, human, hands grip him.

OOC: To fit it all together I took a few liberties with your character. I apologize if they do not fit well with Hericus' personality, and have no problem with you changing those parts you might find unacceptable. That said, Hericus will awaken in the hands of the zuma healers, and will not easily be able to leave the city. You may pick up from there and do as you wish, perhaps even gaining the answers you seek.
Vates (Grandmaster)

Roleplay from Hericus
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Hericus's heart raced as he watched the two creatures fight it out, a battle the likes of which he had never seen. His heart filled with fear at the magnitude of the conflict. The titanic battle finally ended in favor of the one who had been friendly to him, and its opponent scuttled away on its many legs.

Hericus heard Daimon Lord Vates say something, and humans immediately came to tend to him. His weak body finally succumbed to its wounds, his head spun wildly, and he fell in a dead faint.

Two days later, Hericus awoke, with the realization this his wounds had almost completely healed. The native healers had tended well to him, and he was astonished that they had managed it so soon. The healers were fussing over him, and every thing he needed was available. It was clear to Hericus that no expense had been spared, and he was very gratefull for it.

A healer came quickly when summoned, and Hericus bade him to thank his lord for his hospitality, and for saving his life. He also asked for permission to be able to thank his lord in person.
Hericus (Noble)

Event from Vates
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Entering the room soon after your request, Vates stands relaxed, once again looking more or less like any man. "I am pleased to see you have recovered yourself outlander, and so quickly too. Alas your men did not fair so well, an unnessary waste..... You must allow me to make amends; join me for dinner where we might discuss these things that intrest you."
Vates (Grandmaster)

Roleplay from Hericus
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Hericus closed his eyes after posting the letter to Lord Vates, and waited for the scribe to bring him a response.

Sleep soon came to him, and the sickness made him sleep for a long time.

However, when he woke up a long time after, he knew he was healed, and ready to meet Lord Vates.
Hericus (Knight of Libidizedd)

Event from Vates
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Entering the room some time after your request, Vates stands relaxed, his appearance still strange, but not nearly so much as during the stand off. "I am pleased to see you have recovered yourself outlander, the healers feared for your safety. Alas your men did not fair so well, an unnecessary waste..... You must allow me to make amends; join me for dinner where we might discuss these things that interest you." ooc: barely, but I will do what I can.
Vates (Grandmaster)

Roleplay from Hericus
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The thought of solid food sounded good to Hericus, and he responded to Lord Vates words. "My men were good soldiers, and they did their duty well. I am proud. As for dinner, it would be an honor to dine with your lordship.
Hericus (Knight of Libidizedd)

Event from Vates
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Bobbing his head strangely perhaps a nod, perhaps a sort of bow, Vates claps his hands at the acceptance of his offer, "Some good news with the ill. I will leave you to prepare since we can discuss in detail later when you are not at such a disadvantage."

Pausing just before walking out the door Vates turns back, "Oh yes what name should I tell the guardians so that you may pass?"

ooc: barely, but I will do what I can.
Vates (Grandmaster)

Roleplay from Hericus
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Hericus heard Lord Vates's question and remembered the warning the wanderer gave him... He contemplated for a split second and replied.

"You may tell them.. To Admit Sir Hericus.."

He bowed at Lord Vates, and started preparing for the dinner.
Hericus (Knight of Libidizedd)

Roleplay from Hericus
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Later that evening, Hericus prepared for the dinner, wondering what lay in store in the future. He was a little excited, and a little scared at the same time. He whiled away his time gazing at the stars, looking for the bright Austere star, and then making his way to the dining hall.
Hericus (Knight of Libidizedd)

Event from Vates
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OOC: You can remain where you are while we contune. I am flexible.

Smiling thinly with mouth closed at the outlander's reply Vates departs without another word.

Moving to his palanquin he halts before the bearers and turns to a man with four coins upon his brow that happened to walk by, "Merchant, approach." The mirror eyes of Vates reflect back the pale skin and unmarked face of the man.

Not bothering to wait for the man to cooperate, Vates outlines his orders in rapid succession, his warm voice slightly clipped, "To the Temple of the Messenger see that casks of wine and fine foods are brought. You will speak with the cooks and priestesses, and see to it all are informed that preparations must be made. Do you understand?"
Vates (Grandmaster)

Roleplay from Machiavel
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Machiavel was finally doing some progress. In the past, he hadn't actually entered the core of the city, and he still hadn't quite figured why he did that... here, at least, there were people and actions.

He was startled when one of them addressed him and gave him orders, and in his confusion felt the stupidity of his planning which had been been proved lacking. It allowed him greater ease with the majority, and indeed, gave him many opportunities and knowledge. He had always desired to meet their priestesses, and had been sad to miss the opportunity when one was sighted near Terran lands. He also now knew that they had a god which they referred to as the "Messenger", which hinted polytheistic practises though was conclusive. The other point of interest was the appearances of a celebration about to happen, religious in nature followed (or preceded) by festivities, no doubt, something that would be worth witnessing. But perhaps more importantly to the issue at hand, it told him that the marks where enough to make him pass as one of theirs, at least, to a distracted leader.

However... His blessings were a curse in themselves. If discovered, he could be seen as an impostor, the consequences of which he would rather not imagine. He could try to hide his identity, but being discovered later was no better than being discovered now, and at least now he could pass for being of good intent, though he'd have a hard time seeing how he'd explain trying to get in the temples.

He had stood there frozen far too long, he realized, and the man did not seem to have the patience or time for unanswering servants, it was better he reveal himself now... after all, meeting with Zuma's leaders had been his reason to come here in the first place.

Machiavel approached and drew his sword. "From the Isles, I come in peace", he said as he layed the tip on the ground and kneeled before Vates.
Machiavel (Royal Fiduciary of D'Hara, Count of Qubel)

Event from Vates
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ooc: your message has been sent to those who would see it since they are in Nightmarch.

The smooth, cool hand comes to rest atop the kneeling man's head. The fingers curl, sharp claws digging into the scalp, and with not even a moments effort the man is raised to eye level. So close at hand one could see the faint shimmer in the reflective eyes that told you they were moving; the nearly hidden line of his mouth, which extended far beyond what was normal towards his ears though he rarely opened it; and the faint outline of scales. "I have no time for games merchant and you need to bathe more, the white ash has so caked your flesh I cannot see your house mark. I would know who would waste my time so, and which house to reprimand."
Vates (Grandmaster)

-Somthing missing i suppose-

Event from Vates
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Eyes narrowing, "You have had more then a taste of your own stock of wine it seems." Vates releases the man contemptuously allowing him to tumble to the stones, the clang of the sword catching his attention. Turning his gaze to the blade, he studies it at a distance at first, as though it were a viper, but eventually seems to be satisfied about something. Soon after he reaches down and, with considerably more kindness, pulls the merchant to his feet, "Where did you get this unnamed one? A merchant of the fourth level should not be trading with the outlanders...."
Vates (Grandmaster)

Roleplay from Machiavel
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The fall, though not particularly pleasant, was still of great relief. Finally seeing a way out of this misunderstanding, he was pleased, and smiled, making sure to reveal his unsharpened teeth. "I humbly apologize, I seem to have had too poor an understanding of your system to correctly represent my status." He couldn't help but think of Nook, though. He had been of what, the third level? Maybe the fourth, he would have to check in his archives, but he was certain that he wasn't a level five. Machiavel wondered what was on Nook now... his information had been rather useful, after all, or at least, very interesting.
Machiavel (Royal Fiduciary of D'Hara, Count of Qubel)

Event from Vates
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Reaching up his hand, Vates carefully trails a digit, scraping off a bit of the paint on the outlander's brow. Rubbing his fingers together he eventually inclines his head, "Ah I see, clever indeed outlander. One must wonder to what end this game was played." Looking behind the man, the soldiers that had been close at hand relax, "However you have been revealed now, so I ask, what penalty is there for failure?"
Vates (Grandmaster)

Roleplay from Machiavel
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Machaviavel smiled, but respectfully bowed. "I am indeed revealed now, and you did indeed find me, but did I not identify myself first? I may have failed in presenting myself before you found me, but would there have been any other way? All in all, I believe things have...", Machiavel paused for a short time as he thought over the unexpected events that had just occurred. "... things have went, in general, according to plan. I assure you, I had but the bests of intents and the greatest of respects, I merely would not have wished to unsettle the Zuma by bringing in foreign culture along with my presence."
Machiavel (Royal Fiduciary of D'Hara, Count of Qubel)

Event from Vates
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Chortling faintly Vates rests his hands together in front of him, "Yet you have done more damage playing this game of yours. You have shown deception and a disregard for the sacred markings. Not are you merely different, you have mocked our ways." Turning away he takes a few steps towards the palanquin, hands clasped behind his back, "You will join myself and the other outlander for dinner, where we might discuss your transgression further." Sitting on his seat, he gestures at the near by building, "You may find him in there."
Vates (Grandmaster)

Roleplay from Machiavel
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Machiavel bows. "No game, I assure you. Imitation is the highest form of flattery, they say. Regardless, I wanted to conform myself to your cultural norms. The ranking was perhaps inaccurate, but it was not false. I am, after all, the one in charge of economic affairs in the Isles, I am he who handles the finances, resources, and trading personnel of the Dragon Queen. Had I previously witnessed a more appropriate appearance, I would have adopted it. Bowing again, and picking up his sword to sheathe it. "Of course, I will comply."

He knew who the other would be, despite his arrangements to force him to go all the way back the sea route to travel through the land path, duties had kept him in D'Hara for so long that he still arrived after... him. He didn't feel a particular need to worry, though, whatever first ties Hericus had established, he would remain calm. He doubted the Zuma would let themselves be given instructions by such a man.

He bowed one last time, and headed towards the near by building.
Machiavel (Royal Fiduciary of D'Hara, Count of Qubel)