Himoura Family/Raziel2

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Raziel2: The Man Behind the Legend


Raziel2 was a young man whose life was shattered by the heroic death of his father, and the tragic slaying of his wife to be. He took the death of his father well at first, and managed to rebuild a shattered Himoura family, but with the death of his wife to be, he broke. He drank, almost constantly. He wandered around drunkenly, and somehow managed to wind up in an enemy capital and looted it, before finally making it hundreds of miles away to his real desination. On a campaign in the South he invented his path to fame... But that is another story... Red Pancake Cartel.
Raziel2 was a man of no small ambition when he came out his pancake and alcohol induced stupor. He climbed the civil ranks and became Count of Dunstoke and began forging his empire. He was a mentor of no small fame, publishing several books and indulging in the finer life. He craved more however and soon became Duke of Leohampton. A docile life spent in a mansion didn't appeal to him, and the taunts of his fellow nobles drove him to become the best swordsman in Minas Ithil. He decided to put his talents to work in a method befitting his persona and became an infiltrator. He became a legend amongst the infiltrator community, but lost his dukeship in a mishap. He then became involved in a war with Eston. His eyes were on the bounty of Dead Angel WG, who eventually ordered his militia not to imprison Raziel2, but to toture him. This happened to Raziel2 twice, stealing away his good humour and further aging the already aged man. After a time though, his thrist for gold and power became overwhelming and put to work his greatest idea ever.


Raziel2 has led a long life, devoted to the spread of literature, proper duelling etticate, and the lining of his pockets. His first endeavors were a pair of critically acclaimed works of literary genious exceeding all else on Atamara. He rode the waves of sucess of his works combined with military sucess and soon became appointed Count of Dunstoke. From the comfort of his new manor, he and his good friend Galius sat down and composed many works, recorded the history of Minas Ithil, refined their fencing techniques and debated the outlawing of pancakes.
Though these days were happy for Raziel2, they provided no signifiacnt amount of wealth or excitement. Raziel2 was on the way to mastering the art of the Blade and decided to take up a life in the shadows. The tales of his exploits are legendary among certain circles and he gained a significant amount of fame among his peers for his brilliant feats of the covert nature. However, he turned from his career after a pair of events that shattered his life... While operating in Barad Riel, Raziel2 was seized by the men of his Rival, Dead Angel WG, Duke of Barad Riel, and he was totured nearly to the point of death. He came back to Barad Riel shortly after, barely sane and bloodthirsty... However he met the same fate. After a time Raziel2 regained his sanity, but the memories of what had been done to him and the memories of what he had done afterwords haunted him. After a short retirement, Raziel2 once again began to write, publishing an additional two works... However these books presented a darker side to life, reflecting the deadening of Raziel2's heart.

Literary Works

The Rise of the Third Chantu Empire - a work in vicious parody to the Third Tuchon empire rising in Southasland

