Rossini Family/Madelena

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Madelena is the eldest of the three. She is named after her second cousin, Madelena Maggiori. She has long raven black hair and piercingly lilac eyes. She stands with pride and commands respect from everyone with whom she comes into contact. Her old dog Fangs was her main true companion until he died, although she was also a devout follower of the the M.A.E.

Madelena was made Countess of Orbeh, her family's home, less than a week after she came out into public life. She spent a great deal of time arguing with the Council of the Bishops in Sartania where she believed the leadership had lost sight of what it stood for. After a great deal of thought she finally lead the people of Orbeh to join the realm of Arcaea, thus leaving her middle sister Cypreana, and her true love, Sir Tenal Quasath, behind.

As it became evident that Sartania was on its last legs, both Cypreana and Tenal chose to join Arcaea. Shortly after their arrival Tenal and Madelena were reunited. Shortly after this Queen Dentara stepped down from the throne, Sir Jenred Bedwyr was elected as the new monarch, and Madelena was elected as the Imperial Magistrate of Arcaea.