Accurate Longsword of Battle

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With all the war and strife in Falasan of late, and Barad Falas and the surrrounding regions being under constant attack, it has been difficult to travel to the realm's northern regions and so it has been many months since our little band of adventurers, Joline, Sempar and Blue Beard, have been able to hunt those regions. Naturally, when we finally were able to reach them, they were chin deep in monsters and undead. After clearing Barad Falas and Belgmon, we moved into the mountains of Galadia.

Sempar conducted an investigation and, as expected, found the region to be heavily infested. Joline began the hunt, and after clearing the first four groups, returned to camp to rest and reported the location of a large and organized group of undead to Blue Beard. He dispatched them and following the fleeing survivors, came across an organized army, lead by a champion wielding a longsword of such quality and craftsmanship, that it was clearly the property of some some unfortunate high ranking noble. Reliving the corpse of the now entirely dead champion of it, Blue Beard found it to be lighter than its size suggested. Fashioned of silver, the blade near the halt was inlaid with gold filigree of a crown above a rising sun and three characters of a language entirely unfamiliar. The craftsmanship was of such exquisite perfection that it seemed impossible that it had been produced by the rough forges and anvils of the local smiths. Blue had heard legends from silk route traders of an island at the far eastern edge of the world where the sword making arts were beyond any known elsewhere in the world. Perhaps it had been carried here from there by a spice trader whose caravan had been waylaid by this horde of undead.

However they came to be in possession of it, they had not had it long as it is in perfect condition. 099%/+3) A sword fit for a general or duke.

Blue Beard Pirates on this 20th Day of August of the Eighth Year.]