Sanguis Astroism

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Sanguis Astroism is the worship of the Bloodstars, a constellation that hangs in a static position over western Dwilight. The stars appear to follow slightly irregular cycles, being sometimes bright and sometimes dark.

Sanguis Astroism was started in Morek when many immigrants to Dwilight discovered shared dreams of the Stars, calling them from their homes in the East and prompting them to cross the oceans. Following the establishment of Morek, the faith of Sanguis Astroism was spread to the island of Libidizedd through the formation of the colony of Astrum.

The Faith across Dwilight

Realms with temples to the Bloodstars

  • Astrum - a theocracy devoted to Sanguis Astroism. The most important temple to the Bloodstars can be found in the city of Libidizedd. The highest ranking priest in Astrum is the Cardinal of The Auspicious Star, Constantine Meneldur.
  • Morek - a theocracy devoted to Sanguis Astroism. Home to the High Temple of the Bloodstars which can be found in the town of Caiyun. The highest ranking priest in Morek is the most Holy Prophet, and founder of the Faith, Mathurin Hossenfeffer
  • Springdale - Unlike the theocracies, Astrum and Morek, Springdale has no official state faith, but followers of the Bloodstars can be found across the realm, with the centre of the Faith focused upon the temple to the Bloodstars in the city of Muspelheim. The highest ranking member of the Faith in Springdale is Cato De La Fere, Duke of Muspelheim, who holds the rank Warden of the Temple.

Aspects, or On the nature of the Stars

An Extract from a rambling discourse

It is evident that as above, so below. What do I mean by this? I mean that it is very clear to me that the stars each have a mirror in our beings, or perhaps it might be clearer to suggest that they exert such an effect upon us that our very essence is, in part, shaped, molded or enhanced by them. Starting with the most obvious example, if you will, which is that of the Maddening Star, it is a child of chaos, its cycle is most exaggerated by variable oscillation, as it were, and within us, it calls to the impetuous side, the emotion, lust in all things. It is strong, but not focussed, rather raw, wild and unfettered. And those shared natures within us respond to it in a like fashion, lust for lust, strength for strength. In this way we can see the Star's influence upon the physical shell, as above, and so below. The Maddening Star is the clearest star, it is the one most easily grasped, most naturally comprehended, since it conforms to the most base elements of our personalities, to the raw, uneducated beast within us that reacts immediately to external stimuli. Which is not to cast it in any unfavourable light, even if such a thing were possible for a star, for after all, Man needs those raw emotions, that passionate strength, his emotions and his lusts to be a man. It is, interesting to note though, with this taken into consideration that the Maddening Star seems to be the one that the relatively primitive natives of Dwilight seem to fear the most, and both consequently and perversely the one that engages and galvanises them the most. Yes, indeed. But to those of us coming from the East, with our greater minds, our superior wisdom, our vastly better developed understanding of logic and complex reasoning, to us perhaps the Auspicious Star is a more closely melded companion, for it is, in many ways the antithesis of the Maddening Star. Whereas Maddening is aligned with raw energy and reaction, Auspicious is more closely allied to focussed energy and action, or even proaction. By our observations to date, the Auspicious Star has not even the slightest deviation or divergence from its alloted path, and in such a fashion, akin to its sibling star, it resonates with such parallels as might be found within our psyches, with the intellect and ordered plans, with propositions formally described, the meticulous and the precise, straight lines and sharp angles, so to speak, order and progress, sequence and alignment. These two opposites being diametrically opposed, as they are, can be seen to be offset or, perhaps more appropriately, balanced by the third of the stars. What do I mean by this? I mean that the Austere Star is the balance, it is the crux, the pivot, the moment of stillness, not of inaction, but of the moments between action. It is a mindful withdrawing, a deliberate holding back, an eschewing of the to and fro, the back and forth. It is separate and distinct, above the world both literally and figuratively, and it speaks to us in terms of the spiritual rather than the physical or the mental. It is not about inaction, but about not acting, not about indecision, but about not deciding. All of these facets are blended in the raw matter of men, such that here under the glorious influence of the Stars themselves, those noble elements that govern the make up of each of us can be exaggerated, or perhaps magnified to the extent that our capability to reach the absolute maximum of our potential is most excellently realised. Of course all this may be above the layman, but in more simplistic terms we can still usefully match both the temple of the soul and the temple of the heavens by extolling the more easily grasped correlation between the body of Man and the Maddening Star, the mind of Man and the Auspicious Star, and the spirit of Man and the Austere Star.

- Mathurin Hossenfeffer, First Prophet of Sanguis Astroism

How do we advance in spiritual proximity to the Stars?

An extract from correspondence

This is an interesting question, and the answer is both straightforward and clear, and yet also complex and muddy; exactly as one would expect of a proposition concerning both the purity of the divine light, and the baser, befuddled chunks of flesh gazing up at them.

The simple answer is that you must merely learn to act in accordance with the prevailing disposition of the stars. You need do nothing other than allow them to work through you.

Here though we encounter the problem of all flawed mortal flesh attempting to align itself with the perfection of a divine source. It is ourselves, our very beings the present the problem, for we are too rough and boisterous to easily apperceive that divinity in anything other than a most approximate form. We can easily see that Auspicious is bright today, bright enough to still be visible in the daylight, and yet to merely describe the Star as 'bright' misses an infinity of nuance and connotation.

In practical terms, we can pray, or meditate, we can commune with the essence of the stars. This seems especially true of Austere more so than the other Stars, perhaps because of it's nature. And, perhaps more importantly in every day life, we can try to act while holding the Stars in our minds, strengthening the bond between divine and mundane.

- Mathurin Hossenfeffer, First Prophet of Sanguis Astroism

On the mutability and immutability of both Stars and Humanity

An extract from a sermon delivered in Donghaiwei

The Stars rest above us. They change in their Aspect, and yet they remain fixed and constant in their place. As with so many facets of the Bloodstars behaviour, this dichotomy informs us and educates us. And yet, we must ask, in what way are we fixed, in what way are we changeable, in what ways mutable, and in what ways immutable. Unlike the Stars, our form is immutable - the ravages of age, war or disease aside - and yet this is merely a superficial attribute. Form is a cloak we wear, and external casing that contains and covers the divine essence and essentials within. Our position, when likened to that of the Stars in the firmament is that of in our own firmament. In the sky of mankind's existence, the nobility necessarily shines brighter than the peasantry, and this provides us indisputable evidence that the natural order of things is the feudal system which is most righteously instituted in our society. This is our fixed position, set and beyond change. But what of the other aspect, the fluctuating, inconstant facet of our being? This is that which makes us what we are as individuals, it is the peculiarity of humanity that makes one different from another - each element, each humour in tune with the changing faces of the Stars, and in thus fashion, changing in different proportions as each of us has different proportions of humours relating to the essential natures of the Stars themselves. So in the Blood it runs, each resonating to a different degree to the combinations of the complementary essence of the Stars, as each shows and hides its glory. In this, we can learn a lesson from the Stars, as to what the boundaries of acceptable behaviour are, for it illuminates for us the borders, the limits, the confines of what is, and should be mutable in humanity, and what shouldn't.

- Mathurin Hossenfeffer, First Prophet of Sanguis Astroism

Structure of the Church

Most Holy Offices

  • Prophet - the senior member of the Faith

The Council of Cardinals

  • Cardinal of The Maddening Star
  • Cardinal of The Auspicious Star
  • Cardinal of The Austere Star

Extraordinary Ranks

  • Commander of the Temple - an honorary rank for Morek government members
  • Special Envoy - a lay member going about specific church business

Sacramental Ranks

  • Bishop - a priest with a specific geographic responsibility (including a town/city with a large temple
  • Deacon - a priest with a specific geographic responsibility
  • Missionary - a priest without geographic responsibility, a wandering preacher bringing the Faith to the Unbeliever

Lay Member Ranks

  • Warden General - an individual who is responsible for coordinating with the Ordermarshal to ensure the physical protection of temples and priests
  • Warden of the Temple - noble members who have taken an oath to protect the temples and priests
The Oath of a Warden of the Temple
I, ..., of my own free will and accord, most solemnly and sincerely swear that I shall from this day forth bind myself to the safekeeping of the one, true Church of Sanguis Astroism. My sword shall be as the Maddening Star, driven by my conviction and strength in defense of the Temple. My shield shall be as the Auspicious Star, borne by my constancy and conscience in protection of the Priesthood. My helm shall be as the Austere Star, guided by my fidelity and judgement in preserving the Faith. [Personal Oath here.] All this I promise, in the name of the most Holy Bloodstars.
  • Officer of the Temple - ex-Commanders of the Temple
  • Knight of the Temple - normal noble member

Aspirant Ranks

  • Novice - someone who has been accepted for the faith, but not yet been confirmed
  • Aspirant - someone who has applied for membership of the faith

Observances, Holidays, and Festivals of the Faith

In addition to the official observances common to all followers of Sanguis Astroism, each realm that follows the faith of Sanguis Astroism may have their own holy days, days of observance, and realm-wide festivities to honor the Blood Stars. You can find these listed in the official documents of each individual realm: