Falasan Inquirer/CECO

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Letters from the readers - Cagilan Empire's(?) Counter Offensive
please post newest letters at the top, please indent a reply to a letter beneath it

Figure That

I question the accuracy of your figures in your report of the second battle in Chagasu.

You mention that the Empire provided a somewhat pitiful strength of 1653 to the battle. I would point out that you cannot possibly count Dame Brigda's troop as part of that army, since we are sure we spotted them fleetingly as they moved from hiding behind one set of trees to finding a new position yet further from the battle.

I would suggest that, therefore, the Empire's contribution to the battle could not have been more than 1500.

Sir Crip Grindle Royal Treasurer of Falasan

No Sir, I took account of the Cagilan... err.. Scouts... Yes.. The scouts that were hiding in the trees watching the battle.... Obviously Cagilans don't run. So they had to be forward scouts... Right?


Well, I doubt they were forward scouts. I'd say they were rearward scouts. Way rearward. Checking out the best routes for the anticipated Cagilan rearward advance.
Cagilan rears are their best side.
--Charone D'Orvis
Ha! No argument there! We'd certainly not mind seeing more of them. I believe I like you, Sir. It occurs to me now that Talerians see as much of that sight as Falasani do, though where your people dotingly fawn, we chase. -Rhys

Example letter
There are two columns, both of which can be used.
-- Jambo Lamonte

Example Reply - ok then.
Further example reply to first letter - This is another example reply. It can be a reply to either the first letter or to the first reply,

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