Springdale (Realm)

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The Empire currently has a single newspaper, The Springdale Stories. It focuses on local events and is an in-depth guide to one of the most powerful kingdoms of Dwilight.


Springdale has 3 armies that serve The Empire. They are primarily ducal armies, but there are some exceptions.

The Sword and Shield - Created by Duchess Zyrrin Fallan, this was the first army of The Empire. It was originally called "The Nobles army of Dalia" when it encompassed every noble of The Empire. The Duchess changed the name to its current state when other duchies were able to take care of themselves and found their own ducal armies. Nobles of the Duchy of Springdale, along with those of the Duchy of Aegir and the Imperial region of Stratford all proud members The Sword and Shield.

The Sword and Shield is the largest army in terms of both the numbers of nobles it has serving it and the total combat strength of the soldiers that serve those knights and dames. The Sword and Shield has twice as many knights and dames as the other armies of The Empire combined. This ensures that if any battle is fought anywhere in the name of The Empire, a member of The Sword and Shield is sure to be there.

The Spire Guard - Originally created by the previous Duke of Nifelhold, Adjunct Alfred Osha. This army is the most recent addition to The Empire's forces. Much smaller than the other two armies of the realm. As the creator of this army is no longer with us, the future of this fighting force is open to question.

Duchal Army of Muspelheims Elite - Short for DAME, created by the lord of Muspelheim, Duke Cato De La Fere. This army is smaller than The Sword and Shield but larger than The Spire Guard. The duchy of Muspelheim has been in need of repair since its being captured by The Empire, and the members of DAME work tirelessly to build up the duchy.


The First Age: The birth and death of a Kingdom

The modern history of Springdale begins with the election of Attius Miriel as King of the small realm by near unanimous vote by all nobles within the realm at the time. Attius began his reign as a just king that listened, albeit with certain reservation, to the nobles that had elected him.

Under his reign the kingdom of Springdale expanded its borders, acquiring the regions of White Plains, Nifelhold and Yaren. However, the nobles of the realm grew restless, Attius has become more ruthless in his dealings with the nobles.

After sometime of what they believed was oppression, the lords of the Duchy of Springdale, the most powerful nobles of the kingdom at the time delivered an ultimatum to the king. The ultimatum stated the lords and nobles grievances, their reason for writing the letter and the demand that Attius step down from the throne.

The king refused to step down and began to oppress the nobles even more. This lead to many nobles of the kingdom joining secretive groups that plotted to overthrow the throne. After a short period of time, the different groups rallied behind a man known as Neel Arya.

On the 15th of February 1008, Neel called for an uprising against the king. Although a few nobles spoke out against the rebellion, none were willing to side with the king against the rebel forces in open combat. As such, the battle that decided the fate of the new kingdom were very one sided, as hundreds of rebel soldiers attacked the personal guard of Attius.

Three days after the call for open rebellion, Neel Arya was crowned the new king of Springdale. The strongest realm in the early history of the continent has been ravaged by the rebellion, and the long road to reclaiming the title of most powerful realm on the continent was begun.

Old History: The Founding of Springdale

The history of how Springdale came to be can be found here: Springdale's History


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