Soulja Family/Squall

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Life of Squall

Squall the Adventurer

Born on the East Continent, at a very young age Squall was a very stubborn man. He refused to do what he parents told him, did not train or study at all. In fact his skills where so bad that someone was able to kidnap him easily. His papers and everything where lost during one of the families many moves. After the kidnapping, Squall was brought to Beluaterra. For a few years he was forced to work as a slave fighter to protect his "owners" from the undead and monsters. After reaching a higher skill level and Beluaterra more occupied by strong realms and more laws himself along with many others escaped and started his life. He thought he would be able to head to the port, go back to the EC and join his family once again. This was not the option. He was pushed away and treated as a commoner. He wandered around the continent, training and killing along the way till he found his purpose. To find his brother, claim his nobility and restore his honor. After putting in much work he was caught by the netherworld. After living through many things, he turns and heads to Fronen with Cloud.

He then finally proved his worth as a noble with Cloud's help. Once a noble he fought very hard for Fronen, but in the end the daimons were to much for Fronen to handle. On top of that his brother Cloud was killed in a battle against the daimons. After which he decided it was his time to push himself harder then ever before, he marches south to start a new life once again and found a new realm with his own hand, in his own image.

Squall in Fronen

Squall proved what he needed to, and finally joined the ranks of knights in Fronen. It was not one to last however, as daimon attack after daimon attack soon left Squall as a rogue and his brother dead.

Squall in Kingdom of Alluran

In hopes of gaining control of Jidington, Squall joined KoA. However they did not trust him and decided to ban him shortly after he joined. The reason? He paid his way out of jail from the daimons, and was "executed" by them before as well. Squall moves on again as a rogue.

Squall in Vlaanderen

Joining sides with Arcane and a few other ex-Fronen nobles he was hoping to now gain control of Jidington or Wudenkin. A few tries failed on Wudenkin so him and a few others joined Enweil to try and take Jidington.

Squall in Enweil

Shortly after joining Enweil, he started organizing some Luz de Bia nobles in hopes of taking Jidington before Kingdom of Alluran does. After getting very close, things came to a hault due to undead and daimon attacks. KoA ended up taking Jidington and now new plans must be made if Jidington is going to be made into the new LdB. However Squall still holds high hopes for a few northern cities.

Squall in Bara Khur

After a short stay in Enweil, Squall has now traveled north to the realm of Bara Khur. Seems like an odd move, and some might even say not a very smart one. However only time will tell if this move will pay off. Squall has since become the Baron of Ippetimbal, and is fighting an "unofficial" war with Valhus right now.