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As some of you already know, Matthew was tragically taken from us this weekend. He was found dead in his truck after being missing for two days, the reason for his death still unknown. When I heard he had passed on, I felt like I should do something in his honor, as he was one of the best players this game has seen. This is a page where everyone can write their condolences. Perhaps his loved ones can find strength in it..

Matt was one of the few people in the game I had the privilege of calling my friend. From my first days in the game, nearly three years ago, he took me under his wing and taught me the ropes. Our characters became friends, and so did we. He was one of the first to congratulate me when I became a father, and he was always there when I had a rough day and needed to vent... He never judged, he was never harsh of tone, no matter what. Matt, the world is a colder place without you in it, my friend. I'm going to miss the night-long talks about BM and everything else, and I'm going to miss you. May you rest in peace, Mattie. You deserve it.
--Marouane Djebbour

I first met Matt before my Battle Master days he was this young upstart kid that came in and was going to fix up an Excel sheet that I had developed. My original contact was to move my desk next to his so I could watch him and make sure he didn't screw things up too badly. Little did I know what a profound effect he would have on my life, he taught me about programing and when he ran out of time he supplied me with manuals I needed to get jobs done. Then he introduced me to Battle Master and to the greatest bunch of people I have found in my 57 years on this planet. Matt was more of an adopted son to me than anything and I will mourn his loss for years to come. I know that when I pass he will be there to meet me and show me the ropes once again. God bless Matthew Hetland.
--Richard Gibson

Matthew introduced me as well to Battlemaster. We had a bit of a falling out, but he was a good man. We worked in a call center together and he got probably a third of the entire center interested in battlemaster I think.

I still wonder on occasion if Eston is still made up most of those from that call center.

I will light a candle and say a prayer to the Goddess for him. I can only hope he is in a better place now....

Farewell, see you in the next life.

And nice to here from you as well Richard.

-- Kellaine Ogren (Matt knew me as Kell Burges)(I took my wife name when I got married)

When I joined Battlemaster, Matt and I clicked almost at once. Our character's careers followed a similar path and through OOC conversations we soon discovered that our own lives were surprisingly similar as well. In Matt I found a kindred soul, though he added a grace of spirit that I have rarely encountered. Matt was an amazing fellow, and the world has lost something special with his passing. I can only imagine what contributions he would have made in time.
Still, I am sure that wherever he is now, he has already come up with plans to streamline the welcoming process, and I can just picture him helping the late arrivals find their place in line.

God speed Matt.
--Charles Filson

First off I felt terrible hearing the news and even more horrible for being the one who announced the news in the game. Making the announcement of his passing was the hardest thing I ever had to do and it just seemed so final and yet unreal at the same time. I knew Matt for such a short time but I liked him both OOC and IC. Matt could always get me to laugh and his laugh was contagious. Matt had some funny things to say and several of them will stick with me forever. Monkeys with Sticks, and the geeks shall inherit the earth are just a few of the things that will remain with me. Matt will be missed. It still does not seem possible that he is gone. May you rest in peace Matt and know that you were loved.

Tammy Gibson