O'Ways/Dragoneer units

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The Dragoneers

The Dragoneers have been around ever since the O'Ways family has commanded active units. Dragoneers are elite troops, if not only in equipment, always in training and discipline. The family values of Honour, Service and Truth are instilled in the men who serve loyally until death. Only few can stand the hard life and discipline, but to those who do, there is no other life they can ever imagine for themselves… To live and die in the Dragonclaws, -riders or –fire is a dream to many but a privilege to few. Discipline to them is the only way to performance, and from that performance comes respect. The O'Ways command through respect from their men, but also respect their men themselves. In such a way, all the sacrifices that are brought to live in the Dragoneers become rewards by themselves. From the first Alatol Dragonfire, to the 16th Dragonclaws, Dragoneers have faught and died with honour and loyalty to their heritage.

Earlier units are described in the family members' 'command'- section.

11th Vornion Dragonfire

Shield 11de.png

                                           Pugnantes Adjuvo 

A longbow unit, equipped with extraordinary yew longbows at a draw-weight of 60lbs, small oaken shields and hardened steel short swords. Their uniform was tipically coloured green and white.

The 11th, originally named "11th Alatol Dragonfire" was founded by Cullen O'Ways, a Knight of Alatol at the time, at the age of 20, when he had left the 2nd Alatol Dragonfire as militia in Nida, as he was ordered to by high command. This was at the end of the Carelian war, and the 11th's numbers and fame changed on numerous occasions. They were always dispatched to the "Army of Est Solarus oth Mithas". When Cullen was appointed Count of Vornion in 6 a.T. the name of the unit logically changed.

The 11th was famed for its' strong discipline, maintained even more fiercely than usual for a "Dragoneer" unit. Their drills were always attended by large crowds due to the spectacle they offered. They were part of both missions against Redspan, stood at the gates of Suville and were part of the retalliation on Abbington for its' incursion into Imperial territory, the Skalk Duchy to be precise. Some of the men served the full eight years the unit was part of the mobile army. Among those Captain Igor, son of a blacksmith from Trawiy. He and Cullen became close friends over the years and it was no easy task for Cullen to leave his proud unit in Tarasac to serve on as guards of the Ducal City.

For many years to come they will remain the reference for many Dragoneer units.

12th Alatol Dragonriders

Schild 12e.png

                                           Nec Jactantia, Nec Metu 

The Dragonriders are Cavalry, equipped with fairly good armor, light enough to allow for easy movement, which makes them one of the faster-moving Cav units but of course more vulnerable for infantry and ranged attack. Their main weapons are a normal-sized 'Katana'-type blade, extremely sharp and strong but demanding a perfect control from its' user. Also, their weight is low enough for fast combat, but does not allow for crushing heavy armor. Their armament makes them the ideal Cav unit against un-armored foes like peasant militia, monsters or undead or low-armoured troops like archers. It makes them an ideal ambush unit. The 12th are tipically uniformed in red and silver, also the two main shades of their shield.

The 12th was founded by Deirdre at her return from Darka, initially consisting of Darkan 'Zin Cavalry', later converted into lower-stat Cagilan Cavalry originating from Trassing. Recently, she has taken to recruiting from Cullen's 'Vornion Light Cavalry'. her Captain, named Hildebrand, is originally from Saler, where she was a Knight for a few years. The 12th took part in two sorties into Abbington lands, where -on one occasion- they fell victim to their ability for fast movement and executed a normal travel of 8 hours in a mere 4. Thereby, they arrived too much in advance of the main army and were slaughtered, not without taking down a vast amount of enemy troops though. They have been active in the homeland defence, but Deirdre is already preparing for yet another assault on the SA, or what is left of it. In a recent sortie into Falasanian lands by the Cagilan Empire's forces, they sustained extreme casualties due to the imprudence of Sir Darius, who sent his men into an un-ordered charge. The ensuing battle had severe consequences, as it left the 12th with only four survivors.

As all Dragoneer units, the 12th enjoy a good reputation, which is tainted by Deirdres' 'Gung Ho'- type of commanding. Rather than choosing the most tactically sound option in combat, she aims to impress and demoralise the enemy, an early variant of the 'Shock and awe'- tactic. Needless to say only the best and most seasoned riders stand a chance of lengthy survival in this unit.

13th Anacan Dragoneer Commandos

formerly named 13th Leod/Anacan Dragonclaws

Schild 13e.png

                                             Amor patriae nostra lex 

This unit was founded by Hamish O'Ways, age 17, as he arrived in Cathay and swore allegiance to the County of Leod.

Their weapon is Mixed Infantry. They use advanced crossbows designed by Hamish himself, who inherited his fascination for ranged weaponry from his brother Cullen. Their arsenal also comprises small round shields and harded steel short swords for close combat. Their uniforms are coloured dark grey and dark green. Hamish believes strongly in tactics involving stealth and is a pioneer in the field of something he calls camouflage, the art of either making yourself unseen by becoming one with the surroundings, or dissimulation which involves changing appearances and they are trained by passing obstacle courses, using ropes for traversing streams or deep valleys and at advanced marksmanship, thereby making them ideal for covert operations. They first made good use of their skills at the siege of the Lasop Bridge. With the idea of mountain warfare in mind, he started teaching his men how to ascend and descend rock formations and steep mountain slopes with the aid of ropes and other tools. Because the original helmets were too heavy and un-practical he removed them from the uniform and issued them with green flat hats called 'beret', that are worn with one side tipped low over the right ear. Because he claims they are now capable of carrying out whatever they are commanded, he changed the designation into 'Commandos'.

Initially it was made up of 15 men, including their Captain, Edwin, an 18-year old millers' son. The unit was dispatched to the 'Scarlett Legion' and joined in the first-ever foreign campaign Cathay mounted, namely breaking the siege of Larmebsi by Arcaean troops. Their first battle in breaking the siege, no casualties where sustained, but after a few days they spent improving the frontline defenses, the counter attack made by the Arcaean Army nearly wiped the unit out. Of the first class, only the Captain and two troopers, namely Runrik and Jules survived.

Hamish returned home to recruit and replenished the ranks with Leod men, improving the level of armament and bringing the unit's numbers up to 25 before the war with Svunnetland broke out. The 13th has grown into the largest, most expert unit of all Dragoneers, standing at a combat-strength of 763 for 50 men just prior to the May Rebellion of Cathay. Currently, the unit is made up of three platoons of fifteen men each, every platoon consisting of a Sergeant/Sniper, three Corporals of which also one is a Sniper and one a 'red rope', the man to climb in advance of his platoon and provide them with secure attachments.

'The Wild Boar' is their traditional locale when at the Capital, but they take up logings in the Eastern Barracks, which are part of the cities' defenses.

14th Vornion Dragonfire

Schild 14e nieuw.png

                                                     Nec Temere, Nec Timide  

A longbow unit in the Dragonfire's best tradition, equipped with newly developped yew longbows at a draw-weight of 65lbs, also equipped with specific armour, of which the helmet's visor is of an unusual design, formed with a small ledge to keep raindrops from falling in the archers' eyes, hindering him while taking aim. Small round shields and hardened steel short swords, identical to those of the 11th. Their uniform is coloured black and green.

The 14th Vornion Dragonfire was formed by Cullen O'Ways at age 27, at the end of the second assault on Abbington, after which he decided to downsize his unit to keep the military expenses of his County at a minimum, nevertheless refusing to compromise on weapon quality. They were part of a small diplomatic mission into Falasanian lands where one of the Cagilan nobles triggered a large battle to take place, virtually slaughtering most of the Cagilan troops. Afterwards, they joined in the sortie into the lands of Suville, and were one of the last units standing during the failed siege of Narville. After returning to Cagil, Cullen decided it wise to bring the 14th up to the level of combat-strength the 11th once had and recruited 18 freshly trained Calis Piercers, bringing the total numbers to 31.

15th Druid Dragonguards

Shield 15deDruid.png

                                    Conscia mens recti, famae mendacia ridet 

The 15th were an Infantry unit, formed by Siobhan after she quit the Order of the Druids and gave up the Priestess' life. They had intermediate axes for main weapon and a tall shield with the unit's crest embossed. As a secondary weapon, they wear a short sword for battle at very close quarters. Their armour is impressive and heavy as they are not required to be quick in battle.

Captain of the 15th was a man named Heinfried, a commoner who used to be good friends with Cynon and on many occasions accompanied him on his monster- and undead raids.

They were mainly used for guard duties during ceremonies and for escorting Priest(-es)s while performing their duties, so their battles were usually limited to threats posed by 'evils', such as monsters and undead. They did not take part in realm-bound or 'political' battles, even though they were intrinsically an Avalonian unit, they stood completely neutral towards other human realms. They were considered religious guards, not an ordinary Army unit. As such, they faught alongside realm troops in defence against deamons and the like.

The fifteenth was slaughtered at the first monster assault on Cteduul, where Siobhan had left them to defend the last Temple of the Druids.

16th Mnalor Dragonclaws

The 16th Mnalor Dragonclaws was a somewhat a-typical Dragoneer unit in that respect that Siobhan chose well-trained men, but did not command as much discipline from them as typical for a Dragoneer unit. Where others are trained to be elites in every way, the 16th were heavy axemen with only one main goal: inflict as much damage as possible. They were true warriors, strong and tough.

She recruited the unit shortly after she immigrated from Avalon and hired an experienced 23 year-old Captain named Henlyn, a veteran of the Sartanian wars who used to be a Trooper and later Sergeant in the light infantry. The 16th carried double-sided battle-axes, square semi-tall shields reinforced with iron studs to prevent arrows penetrating too deep into the wood and slowing them down in melee. They wear only small helmets and their armour comprises of chain-mail across their shoulders, chest and groin. This kind of heavy equipment requires strength and stamina on the field and during marches. Their uniforms were typically blue below with a black shirt and tunic on top, worn over the chain-mail. Light leather gloves with bands across the under-arm enforce the wrists’ capacities to endure swinging the axe for extended periods of time in battle.

The unit was part of two Arcachon sorties into Sartanian lands which once belonged to Arcachon. The battles ended fairly indecisive but resulted in much bloodshed and loss of life on both sides. As Siobhan does not take part in overall tactics she did not care how long the war would continue. They were in an infantry-support role most of the time.

Their shield or motto were unknown. The unit deserted in enemy lands after the battle of Nocaneb resulted in the defeat of the Arcachon troops and Siobhan was imprisoned. She managed to escape, rally her men and made it to the eastern coast, where she was imprisoned by Sartanian patrols again. Again, she escaped, but none of her men had waited around long enough. She was brought back to Arcachon by her brother, C'Mor, Captain of the 'Flying Fish'.

17th Mnalor Dragonriders

Shield 17e.png

The 17th was founded by Siobhan at the beginning of her second sortie into Sartanian lands with the Arcachonian army. The first unit consisted of 13 men and a Captain named ‘Uto’, and had the typical medium armour and light weaponry. They are rather unconventional in the choice of steeds, as the entire unit rides “Belgians”, heavy draft-horses. They are known to be comfortable mounts, loyal and hard-working and less vulnerable than traditional riding horses.

The first unit was killed to the man when the Arcachon army got contravening orders while in enemy territory and the Lasanarian troops entrapped them. Siobhan was heavily wounded at this battle but managed to get back to the island while chased by hostile troops. She disbanded the unit shortly after an ensuing defeat at Tuhpos.