Northern Tribune/Issue 4/Notes

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The contents of this page are not readily available to everyone, either because it is sensitive or because it is rare or otherwise little known knowledge. It is here for the purpose of archiving or making it more accessible to a certain audience, and this should be kept in mind while reading the contents of this page and all it's subpages.
In short, the contents of this page are to be considered OOC knowledge, except for characters who work for the Northern Tribune.

Request from Dead Angel3 of the White Guardians
Message sent to Rulers of this world
Dear Andrew, Peny and Sordnaz

I would like to hear, against which conditions you would consider, the surrender of Minas Ithil?

Or is this just part of the major gangbang to dismantle the Eastern Alliance. I am too long part of this circus for not knowing how things works behind the screens.

The only question will be, who will be next after the eastern alliance, most probably the south again.
Dead Angel3 of the White Guardians (King of Minas Ithil)

Letter from Andrew McKay
Message sent to Peny, Sordnaz
I would like to hear, against which conditions you would consider, the surrender of Minas Ithil?

Or is this just part of the major gangbang to dismantle the Eastern Alliance. I am too long part of this circus for not knowing how things works behind the screens.

The only question will be, who will be next after the eastern alliance, most probably the south again.

For trying to gain our ear, his words border on the insulting.
Andrew McKay (King of Eston)
Letter from Sordnaz Dagger
Message sent to Rulers of this world

Your letter was as close to an insult as it gets, your ways of doing things doesnt have to be ours.

Good terms would be if you all left the realm and handed it over, in that case Atamara wouldnt need to worry where Minas Ithil would strike next in its thirst for power.

You dont have to give it to Norland or Eston as Falsan will do as well, their horses have more honor then you Ithilians have!

Maybe Peny has some terms for peace to share with you that fits your taste better...
Sordnaz Dagger (Dictator of Barony of Makar, Duke of Sale)

Letter from Sordnaz Dagger
Message sent to Rulers of this world
just a small reminder of how disrespectful DeadAngel3 really was and still is!

Or is this just part of the major gang bang to dismantle the Eastern Alliance. I am too long part of this circus for not knowing how things works behind the screens.

The only question will be, who will be next after the eastern alliance, most probably the south again.

Taking for granted that we think and act like the king of Minas Ithil is an insult and should be responded to as such! We are not all screaming for power and death to our neighbors, behind my scene we discuss on how to help out our friends and not how to destroy a southern realm just to set up a colony like others have...

DeadAngel3 was told that the Barony wouldn't sit back and see Norland being destroyed but still he threatened to attack Brackhead the last city Norland has, any ally or friend would have responded to such an action but I guess he didn't know what that kind of relationship really is about and that friends are to help even in worse and not only when there are power or richness to gain.
Sordnaz Dagger (Dictator of Barony of Makar, Duke of Sale)