Uceek Family/Skye

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Skye Uceek


21st July 2008

Dearest Mother,

I know I should write more often. Old Grehk is still standing strong against all odds. I am still Duchess but I am now the Arch Priestess as well.

We have gone through some turbulent times. The Queen exiled me, and reformed our government to a Democracy. The peasants won't believe it though, so we are a bit of everything right now. Our new King will try to fix things.

I still have not met someone special. The way things are going, I will stay a spinster forever. Probably for the best though, since I do still intend to come home with my new found nobility and reclaim my past.

I hope everyone is safe and well. I will write again, sooner this time I promise.

Love Skye

Letters to Home

The Uceek children had been playing in the woodlands when they found a young girl, the same age as the youngest brother Jobe. She was dirty, cold and hungry. The children took the little girl home and their mother began to care for her. She was raised in the Uceek family and affectionately named 'Skye' meaning 'winged' - as the mother always told her that despite her rough start to life she would rise up to fulfill her destiny.

Skye stayed home longer than any of the other Uceek children, and left a full 3 years after Jobe left. She found it hard to leave the family that loved her, but she knew she had to discover herself. Keeping the gift of her name, she left for the isle of Beluaterra, knowing due to her unknown past she would be considered an outlaw on arrival.

She hunted and foraged as a commoner for 4 years until she was recognised by the council of Old Grehk. She was asked to serve against the undead, and through her willingness to serve and die for her country she was recommended and accepted for nobility.