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TorSmall.jpg TorenismCathedralSmall.jpg
The God Tor Cathedral of Tor
Religion Map
Messiah of Torenism - Lestat Corax
Pontifex Primus Fisc Arylon
Propheticate Omega
Averyll Arete
Luna Dawnstar
Sin RavenWulf
Mosious Aljfoi Suaht
The Faith
Continent Dwilight
Realms of Faith Everguard
Holy City Valkyrja
Followers 5,000
Temples 2
Shrines 1
Monogrammatons 3

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The Founding of Torenism

Holy Text


Short explanation of the themes of Torenism theology.


Tor's role in the creation of the world.

Tor's Prophet on Earth

The revelation of Tor to the first Pontifex, Phear Fantom - the passing of that legacy to one person at a time (before Fisc, the last was Averyll)

The Directives of Tor

Tor's version of commandments (honorable battle, nobility of strength, etc) - given to Phear at the dawn of the last age of SEI

Man's Fall from Grace

The overthrow of the holy Pontifex and rejection of religious rule of law

The Destruction of South-East

Punishment for decadence, politics, discussion, peace and lack of conflict

Redemption in the New World

Showing refugees the path to Dwilight

The Messiah of Torenism

Founding the formal religion - the Prophet... Tor commands Fisc to "bring and impose the word of Tor on the world"

Connection to the Mountains

Those in communion with Tor travel to the peaks of mountains to receive divine phrophecy and wisdom

Death, Judgement by Tor and Paradise

Torenist beliefs regarding death and the afterlife were recorded in a series of scrolls collectively referred to as the Book of Honor. Doctrine states that those who die with purpose and honor are said to join Tor, in what is known to the faithful as The Emerald Fields, a sacred paradise where battle and feasting can eternally be shared and won.

The honored dead are not mourned, but celebrated. The body of the dead warrior is viewed mainly as an empty shell to be disposed of, albeit with respect and reverence. Dead warriors who are considered heroes and righteous soldiers of Tor are traditionally paraded through the streets of the holy city, then burned in a great festival celebrating his name and battles.

The Void is the Torenist afterlife where the dishonored go when they die. It is guarded by the brother of Tor, known only as Rayden. Those unfortunate warriors who find themselves in the void are faced with eternal torture by Rayden and his demons; however, Torenist doctrine from the book of honor allows for souls to be saved from the void, usually by heroic sacrifices performed by friends and family in his or her name.

If a warrior dies and is fated to journey to the void, they will find themselves on the Barge of the Dead, which travels the 'river of blood' on its way to the void. Souls on the Barge are tempted by siren-like voices, masquerading as friends and family, who try to lure them off the edge and into the river. What awaits them in the river of blood is a fate worse than the void.

What happens upon death - judgement by Tor for righteousness and entry into Paradise or damnation as a monster (this is the genesis of where monsters/undead come from)


All unfulfilled prophecies of Tor

Ritual and Ceremony

Toren Mass

The Creed

What is known to the faithful as The Seeklander Creed is an ecumenical Torenist statement of faith used by the laity of the church to declare their belief system to themselves, and to others It is recited during each Toren Mass Celebration, as well as all formal rites of passage for the religion. The text of the creed is as follows:

We believe in Tor, the father of glory and war,
creator and destroyer of our existence,
and righteous source of strength for all mankind.
Through Tor, the world was forged in blood and fire,
for mankind and the salvation of our souls.
We believe in the honor of conflict,
the piety and of vengeance and justice,
and the inherent cowardice of diplomacy and peace.
Power flows through strength,
and only those who are strong deserve to rule.
We believe the sacred afterlife,
of the communion between man and Tor.
He sits in judgment of us all at the hour of our death,
allowing only the honorable and strong to know his peace.
We believe in the Holy Torenist Church,
the glory of Tor's avatar on earth,
and the divine application of church doctrine.
We are Tor's children on earth,
and no one can stand against us,
in this life, or the next.

Torenism Birth Ceremony

Baptism by Blood

Torenism Union of Marriage

Torenism Death March


The Pilgrimage, also known to followers of Tor as The Journey is a religious pilgrimage to the tallest mountain on Dwilight, the Mountain of Betrayal. From the peak, it is said that pilgrims are able to look out upon the great ocean and see the last remnants of the South-East Island - the very peak of the mountains outside what was once Toren Stronghold.

The journey to the top of the Mountain of Betrayal is a holy obligation for members of the Torenist religion, and must be carried out once every ten years after a soldier has gone through the Baptism by Blood ceremony. Failure to do so is considered highly blasphemous and offensive to Tor, and can be grounds for excommunication from the church.

The pilgrimage itself is a demonstration of the solidarity of the Torenist people, and their acceptance and devote to Tor. It may be conducted only during a four week period surrounding the winter solstice, thus forcing the pilgrims to travel through the harshest and most dangerous conditions on the continent, and truly face their own mortality in deference to their god.

The Journey is associated with the connection of Tor to the highest mountains and the strongest, roughest nobles who follow him. The pilgrimage itself is a solitary journey by individual members of the faith - no groups or processions of pilgrims are allowed. These hearty spirits hike to the highest peak of the Mountain of Betrayal and arrive at the monument to Tor - a giant obelisk made of pure obsidian - and hold a vigil for seven consecutive days, beginning at sunrise and concluding at sundown. During this time, pilgrims are required to fast, and can not eat. This is designed as a test to turn away those who do not have strong hearts or faithful spirits.

After being tested on the peak, the pilgrim is then to hike several miles to the west and come to the great mountain Lake of Blood. There they are to cut a whole in the solid ice, and immerse themselves in the freezing water. This signifies their willingness to fully devote themselves to the idea of Tor, regardless of personal cost. After emerging from the lake of frozen water, they are to melt a bucket full of ice, and then drink it - a symbol of taking Tor into their bodies and making his will manifest in their spirit.

Once they recover, pilgrims are required to take a specially made blade and mark themselves as a man or woman of Tor. This consists of carving the simple shape of a mountain peak into the bicept of their left arm, in such a way that the wound will heal and create a permanent scar marking the pilgrim as a follower of Tor. The pilgrim will then shave his or her head and descend down the mountain to return to his realm.

Members of the Torenism religion are not considered confirmed in their faith until they have undergone this pilgrimage to the mountain. Nobles coming down the great cliffs, bald and scarred are routinely hailed and treated as kings as they make their way home. Peasants are in awe of any person who can complete this task, especially someone who may have done it multiple times.

Prayer and Worship

Organization of the Church

The positions and structure of the church

Religious Structures

Temples, shrines, etc The Torenism Religion
The Faith

The God Tor | Torenism | Holy Text | Theology

Ritual and Ceremonies

Torenism Mass | The Creed | Birth Ceremony | Baptism by Blood | Union of Marriage | Death March | Pilgrimage