Steelcrown Family

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House Steelcrown

Honour, Fortitudo, Officium, et Fides


The Steelcrown family, originally from Middale, on the continent of Atamara are a honorable and humble family. While this is an ancient family, they have just recently attained the privilege and status of nobility through the exploits of Yohann Steelcrown, also known as the "Black Eagle of Middale." They come from a long line of faithful warriors of noble intent. Their surname originates from the long forgotten Steelus Nomads, a people of ages past who settled in the Middale region long ago. Members of this family adhere to four core values, Honor, Courage, Duty, and Faith.


                                                            A painting of Yohann the Black Eagle.

There are currently four active members of this family:

Sir Palanthas Steelcrown

He started as a soldier on the East Continent in the Realm of the Light of Fountain. He was a loyal soldier, but something felt like it was missing in his life. Palanthas soon had a sense of overpowering wanderlust and set off to the Far East as a Trader. He then resided in the realm of Ethiala. Soon after his arrival an attempt on his life was made by Benjamin of Arcaea. This attack left him shaken and he decided to revert back to the profession of a soldier. He quickly garnered the hatred of Count Valion of Hupar and Lady Setsuka of Pesol due to their support of an evil religion called the Chaos Requiem. Lady Setsuka was soon banished for treasoness acts against the crown when she founded a Chaos Reqiuem temple in Pesol without the King's permision. Count Valion had financed the venture, but he managed to escape any punishment through his astute political skills. Palanthas grew weary of having such a powerful enemy and migrated to Beluaterra to be closer to his cousin, Poulas. Soon after his departure, Valion was killed in a duel after leading a failed rebellion. Palanthas now calls the Kingdom of Alluran his home and serves as a bureaucrat, and Earl of Bolkenia.

Sir Poulas Steelcrown

Originally a soldier turned Hero in the Colonies in the Realm of Alebad. He grew dissatisfied with life in the Colonies and migrated to Beluaterra. He called Riombara his home and served as a Marshal of the Lion Rose for that realm. Poulas decided to try his fortunes elsewhere and traveled to South-East Island, but left shortly before it was destroyed by the Gods. He went back to the Colonies for a time, but quickly decided to head to the East Continent in search of further fame and fortune. He is a cousin to Torphas, Palanthas, Denthas, Yohann, and Shadus.

Sir Tritus Steelcrown

He is a young hero serving the realm of Minas Ithil. He fights to avenge the death of his brother Denthas, who died defending the walls against Norland Vikings during a siege of Elost.

Sir Yohann Steelcrown

He is a young Knight serving the fledgling realm of Caergoth on the continent of Atamara. He bares the esteemed namesake of his distant forefather, Yohann the Black Eagle of Middale. He hopes to bring wealth and honor to his family.

Sir Torphas Steelcrown

Now deceased. He was lost at sea and his body was never recovered. The first to become a Hero in his family, he originally resided on the continent of Atamara in the Realm of Minas Ithil, but traveled to the Far East island to find his bastard half-brother, Shadus. He nearly died from a duel with Shadus. He favored Honor above all of the Steelcrown values. He was somewhat prideful to a fault.

Sir Denthas Steelcrown

Now deceased. He died while defending the region of Elost, on Atamara, during a brutal battle with Norland Vikings. Originally a soldier turned Hero on the continent of Atamara in the Realm of the Cagilan Empire. He migrated to Minas Ithil in order to fight alongside his brother, Torphas, against Viking invaders from the North. When Torphas left Minas Ithil to seek out their bastard half-brother Shadus he stayed to defend the Realm. He was the most adventurous of the current generation of Steelcrown's. He believed the ideal of Courage was second to none. He could be brash and little reckless at times, but his family hoped his temperament will mellow with age. Unfortunately, he died too soon for that to happen

Sir Shadus Steelcrown

Now deceased. He died under mysterious circumstances, probably on an expedition fighting monsters or the undead. He was an outcast from the Steelcrown clan and an outlaw. He resided on the Far East Island in the realm of Lasanar and made a meager living as an adventurer. Shadus dreamed of one day ascending to the ranks of nobility and exacting revenge on the family that had forsaken him. Unfortunately for him, his malevolent dream went unfulfilled.