Avalon/Roleplay Section/Hector/Hector's Return

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Previous: Uncertain Times

Hector’s Return, part I

Hector was gone nearly a month. Jessica and Arian had grown worried. As Jessica waited, she slept more. She dreamed more. She had terrifying nightmares of the evils the creatures have done in the past. The horrors of families being devoured while the youngest watched on, and was last. Terrible, terrible dreams. They have been increasing over the past few days.

One morning, Arian comes upstairs, Jessica is slumbering, yet again, and Arian wakes her. “Jessica, you must awaken. We’ve waited a long time for Hector’s return, but I fear, we can wait no longer. We must return to Zod. We must complete the cycle. I’ve receive word that the Colony Tree is deteriorating fast. There is an increase in monsters around our local lands.” As he spoke, a loud ruckus was heard outside. Arian runs to the window, and looks out. He sees a couple of wraiths hovering above, He hears a large number of Monsters attacking in the distance near the gates of Cteduul. He sees about a hundred Militia through some buildings off in the distance. They are running towards the gates.

“We need to go now, Jessica, the city is in danger.”

Jessica springs out of bed, and grabs a bag. “I must leave a note for Hector. See if maybe one of the local scribes in town can find him and deliver the message of what we are doing.”

Arian turns to Jessica, “Dear, right now, the only thing that matters as that I get you out of here. I’ll get a message to Hector, you get packed, you have a minute to do so!” Arian spins and runs off to gather his things.

Jessica packs with haste and her clothes are partly hanging out of her bag as her and Arian dart downstairs to a couple of horses. Arian grabs her bag and quickly ties it down then mounts his own steed, and off they ride. There is a secret way out of the city, towards the rear, guarded by Royal guards. As Arian approaches, the guards spring out of hiding and challenge Arian. “State your business citizen!”

Arian looks over and declares he works for Hector, the Minister of Finances, and that he is on an urgent mission. The guards reluctantly allow him and Jessica to pass. A large gate makes a groaning sound as it is opened, and through they pass, to the forest beyond.

“Where are we going, Arian?” Jessica asks.

“We go to Zod, the birth place of the tree.”

Jessica looks over at him and says, “I really want Hector to be part of his, Arian, send your message and have him hurry!”

Arian nods and they stop. He gets off his horse, and takes out a wooden whistle. He blows, but no sound comes out. Suddenly, a dove flies over and lands on his shoulder. Arian takes out a small, long piece of paper, and writes a note. Then, he takes out a piece of bloody cloth. He removes a vile, and drops in the cloth. A puff of smoke and a pop causes the horses to jump, scaring Jessica. The vile is now in the form of powder. Arian whispers something inaudible, “fessh mikal broca levite” Then pours the powder into his hands and sprinkles it over the dove. He ties the note to his leg and throws the bird in the air. The dove flies off, towards Henhower. “There, the message is sent”.

“What on earth is that unconventional method? What was that?” Jessica says, looking like he’s crazy.

“That, my dear, is a guarantee that Hector will get the message. See, that cloth was from Hector’s clothes, it had his blood on it. The liquid turned the cloth and the blood into dust. I cast a spell on the dove to seek out the one who’s blood was in the dust, and it will.” He says matter of factly. A wry smile crosses his face.

Jessica shrugs it off, and mounts her horse. If Hector trusted him, so could she, she thought.

They rode off towards Zod, Jessica’s thoughs wondered towards Hector. “I hope he’s OK.”