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Revision as of 04:21, 16 January 2008 by Anabellium (talk | contribs)

Nice to see you are using the same kind of Template like i did with Madina, maybe it'll start a hype for Dwilight realms :P --Vlad 10:58, 30 October 2007 (CET)

I just now saw this... To be honest wikicode totally dumbfounds me. I am currently takeing bits and pieces from other pages and editing their context aswell as some asthetics to make it as unique as possable. Clearly I am failing :P However I think the newer look is a step in the right direction.--Devercia 08:09, 3 January 2008 (CET)

Player list

please post your character here if you are an early member wanting to coordinate Morek's rule.

Deverka Cryfdwr First of the Moreki, and bannerwright of Morek.(contest winner)


Perhaps change one of the stars to 'belligerous' (I realize this isn't a real word, its based off belligerent which means war-like), as to represent war? The stars seem a slight strange to me, with one of insanity, another tantamount depression and still another to represent fortune.

Unless we turn our wanna-be Teutonic knights into crazed vikings, our wars won't be religiously motivated - no, 'Relm X is rallying under 'evil religion', the Belligerent/Belligerous star commands us to clean these lands of those heathens!'

Well I guess that is possible without a renamed star, but a star promoting war would make it slightly more believable, as opposed to :

"THE TIME IS ALMOST RIGHT! We strike the heathens at dawn as opposed to now because Auspicious star says we shall encounter fortune then!" (Auspicious)

"The heathens are rallying under 'evil religion', RAWRRRR! The spirit of NORLAND has inflamed us! CHARGE!!!" (Maddening)

"Yeah. They're evil. I guess we should get them...but then...I'd have to stop composing depressing poetry and...*tear* " (Austere)

Definitions :

Austere : Austere, bleak, spartan, stark all suggest lack of ornament or adornment and of a feeling of comfort or warmth.

Auspicious : Attended by favorable circumstances

Maddening : Crazy!

--Anabellium 04:01, 16 January 2008 (CET)

"The constellation curiously hangs permanently over west Dwilight." From an astrological point of view... that's just impossible. -Chénier 04:24, 16 January 2008 (CET)

Maybe...Dwilight floats and doesn't revolve with the rest of the Earth? But then would it rotate...hmm...erm...

AH HA! HYPOGENERATORS! FLOATYPACKS 2000 X3! MEGAMAN ROCKET BOOTS! Don't worry, we'll think of something... maybe the divine will of the gods forces the stars to stick to the sky as punishment for stealing fire from Olympus or something...--Anabellium 05:21, 16 January 2008 (CET)