Talk:The Blood Cult

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Revision as of 05:53, 4 January 2008 by Secondary (talk | contribs)

Good to see this is finally taking off. --V2Blast talkII 05:22, 11 December 2007 (CET)

Oh yeah, I was quite pleased to see stuff moving again. Progress is once again at a halt though, end of session is seriously wearing me down. I'll be all done by the 21rst though, and hopefully I'll be able to regain some energy before then. I do think we got all the major lines worked out, though. -Chénier 04:33, 12 December 2007 (CET)


Obviously there are the sacrifices, but I'll also need to flesh out others. Marriage, for one, would be an interesting thing to have enventually. However, what would seem important would be a Rite of Initiation, which would allow new characters (especially new players) to really enter the group and fraternise with everyone else, make them feel that even if they don't hold any achievements yet, they belong. Ideas for the above or others are welcome. I'll also have to add a myth about a goddess having multiple spouses to explain polyandry. -Chénier 18:57, 24 December 2007 (CET)

Another idea is type of sacrifice. A god may need to consume another god to have sustenance from a god. And by doing this the offending god has to destroy the followers of the other god to make his way to him. This may make some kind of 'evil force' within the blood cult that all the followers hate and are scared of. Vistuvis