Estrall Family/Adamson

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===Adamson=== (East Continent)

Born in Mashdad as the lovechild of a peasant woman and Adam Estrall. He'd been well educated thanks to his father's financial status, but lived his life as a peasant. Before his death Adam requested from the family that Adamson would be adopted by them. The family was reluctant, but the death of Adam's brother, Nylen, changed their mind, and they've agreed to give Adamson the family name. Well taught in the ways and history of Coimbra he plans to continue his father's work, rebuilding the kingdom. After a long peace-period on the East Continent things suddenly started to be put into motion when Itorunt declared war on Ibladesh. The southern and central realms chose their sides in the conflict, while Fontan declared war on Old Rancagua in the north. It was at this time that Isadril seceded from Yssaria, and Tuchanon V was created. Adamson left Yssaria for the new realm just before it declared war on Itorunt. Currently he's the Count of Aeng, which Tuchanon V took from Itorunt in December 2007.

Wars in the South:
Itorunt - Ibladesh
Itorunt - Tuchanon V
Itorunt - Ubent
(Itorunt - Yssaria)
Perdan - Ibladesh
Perdan - Yssaria
Caligus - Yssaria

War in the North:
Fontan - Old Rancagua
Fontan - Sirion
Fontan - Light of Fountain
Fontan - Obsidian Islands