Way of the Warrior Saints/Saint Lansel

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Known as the "The Fleet-footed Saint", Lansel was known for his speed. He was fast of foot as well as wit, and was a prized strategist in his ancient kingdom. Because of his affinity for the hare, he was often called "Lansel the Hare-born".

It is said Lansel was tall and thin, with hair the color of straw and armor of bright silver chain. He wore no beard, and the Iron Ring he wore was stark in it's mighty blackness upon his fair finger.

Lansel's most famous epic tells of him outrunning the arrows of longbowmen.

A sermon:

"Nobles! I come to you now with the Revelation of Saint Lansel the Quick, he who in days of yore rode through these rolling plains!

Saint Lansel bore the iron ring of the Sleeping Father's Holy Mountain, won hard in single combat with the horrible ogres that live at the World's End. This iron ring was a holy relic of the Great Father, He-who-should-not-be-awoken-not-ever, and it protected Saint Lansel as he rode with spear in hand!

Saint Lansel was known as the fastest knight in service to his ancient realm... he could move from one ocean shore to another in a day's time, on foot, while others fell behind on the fleetest horses! Yet also, he was quick of wit, and no battle was fought that he did not know the outcome, and use it to bring victory to his lord! His standard bore the Mighty Hare, one of the First Creatures, known also for their speed and canny natures.

Truly, none could outwit Saint Lancel, nor outrace him, and when the time came for his Holy Transmogrification, the power of the Earth and Stone could hardly keep pace with him, and his deification came in a flash of lightning! A glory to behold!

Truly, now, in our struggles against the northern aggressors, those who practice wretched necromancy and make war on a stack of lies and deceit... truly Saint Lancel the Quick watches and preserves us! Our General has yet to be outwitted, and continually stays a step ahead of these northern armies! He is Blessed of the Saints!

Tonight, on the Holy Feast of Saint Lansel, Lansel the Hare-born, Lansel the ring-wielder, Lansel of the Falasani Plains.... On his Holy Feast let us honor this Saint by raising toasts to the quick wits of our general!

Blessed be! Saints preserve us! Thus endeth the lesson..."