Itorunt Informer/August '07

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Revision as of 19:05, 15 August 2007 by V2Blast (talk | contribs) (fixed header size, added 3 articles)
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The Itorunt Informer
Free, although we like it when you throw money.
Written by Ichigo Kurosaki, Valdid Juramona, and Thray Walsh.
Bringing you the best of the press from Itorunt. August Edition


Olorin Attacked!

Two and half days ago, A Perdan noble named Thorry was caught trying to attack Olorin, one of our own nobles. Several Itoruntians demanded an explanation, and King Lucian clarified that several Perdan noble had been recently attacked by foreign infiltrators. He said that Perdan had outlawed the unannounced presence of any foreign infiltrators. Some of our own had gone over to help prevent future incidents, and King Lucian said that Thorry had probably just made a mistake. Balkeese, Arch Priestess of Perdan, promptly apologized for Sir Thorry's actions, and confirmed King Lucian's theory. She said some time in our dungeons would be an appropriate punishment and would give Thorry some time to explain his actions. Olorin brushed off the attack, saying Thorry wouldn't have succeeded even if the guards had not caught him. Slightly over half a day ago, Thorry sent an apology to Arch Priest Lodius, saying he would accept his punishment and that it was indeed a case of mistaken identity. Olorin forgave him and said that discussion on the subject should end if the ruler and judge agree with him. Ganimede the ghost joked, "One would say, you are nearly sorry he wasn't even able to do it." With that, discussion on the subject has ended. Hopefully, similar occurrences can be prevented in the future.


A Visit from Revelation

High Marshal Revelation of Caligus came to my fine region of Zawr to visit 5 days ago. Our High Marshal, Alois, asked me to personally welcome him into the region. Revelation had come to Zawr to personally talk to Alois. I gladly welcomed him to the region and arranged for a tour of the beautiful region. He commented on the beauty of the region, it being his first time in Itorunt. Sir Olorin also mentioned that he had served with WAYLANDER, Revelation's brother. Revelation, in return, stated that it had been Nightmare, Olorin's brother, that helped WAYLANDER when he started out. His business done, he left about half a day after he arrived, thanking everyone for the warm welcome and the hospitality associated with Itorunt and with Zawr. As he was leaving, I recognized the Con Doin name and remembered that my brother Tsubasa knew Lianna, Revelation's sister. He said he would write to her and tell of our hospitality, and welcomed any Itoruntians to Caligus to feast and drink and see the sights. Interesting how we're all related by friendship and blood...


Lack of News

I apologize once again for the delay in getting this out... A combination of the lack of real news and the lack of real editors was the cause. I need to come up with something creative to attract readership. And something needs to start happening on this island.


Comments for this month

Ichigo's comments

I want some pie. Yes, that was random.

Thray's comments

None Yet

Valdid's comments

None Yet