Burson Family

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Revision as of 23:59, 12 July 2007 by Burson (talk | contribs)

The Burson family hails from Belegrond, Eston, Atamara.

The eldest, Darius, was fighting almost as soon as he could walk. Fighting was his way of life, and those who live by the sword, die by the sword. Darius was killed in action, fighting for Sandalak against Ikalak in Unagae on the South-East Island.

The twins, Burfgand and Kelthar are very different. Burfgand is the statesman of the family, but will resort to violence if needed. Kelthar, now deceased by the hands of Ceolwyn and Delphin, was considered the black sheep of the family. His skill as an infiltrator was only surpassed by his ego. Burfgand is no longer an active member of the family, having retired to his private estate on the shores of Zonasa near the grave of his old friend Zhao.

Gracehana, little sister, had only just started her career and elected to stay in Eston and protect the family from further incursions from Norland. Since the Norlanders and their allies, Minis Ithil, have had little luck in advancing into Estonian territory, Gracehana hopped ship to the New World, where she joined the realm of Avalon, where she hoped to make a name for herself and return to Belegrond with fame and fortune following her. However, the Fronen council made some choices that she deemed unwise and was unable to stay there, so she journeyed to Fronen, where she fights against the invasion of the Daimons.

Drizat, cousin of the above mentioned Burson tribe. Starting his career in Svunnetland with Burfgand, he is often looking for ways to make money to live the "High Life" without lifting a finger.

When Burfgand retired and Svunnetland became the tainted and corrupt realm that many saw it to be, Driazt left northwards, coming to Lasanar, where he found like-minded people, and comradeship. Now he is Duke of Colasan, and a hero at that. He still tries to do things the easy way, but life has taught him that easy is not always best, and he has learned the lesson of a hard days work. Still, the days of partying are not behind him yet. Plenty of room for guests, and plenty of money for food and drink... is it such a good idea to give him such a position?

The latest addition to the outgoing family Burson is Aelwolf, a combat hungry cousin who is not quite right in the head. The family shipped him off to the South-East Island realm of Taselak to hopefully sate his hunger for combat, but it has only seemed to feed it instead. Aelwolf planned to follow in Kelthar's footsteps, and has recently entered into training as a "Shadow Walker". He has also left the South-East Island behind for a richer realm to finance his training and allow him to use his abilities fully, which he has found in Old Grehk.

No others in the family have military or political positions as yet, but no-one can forsee the future. Well, if Kelthar was still around...