Tara Times

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File:Tarabanner.jpg The Tara Times
Price: ONE GOLD PIECE Editor: Independent Scribes of Tara Date of Issue: October 7th, 2005

Tara at Peace?
Date: October 7th, 2005

Recently, Tara has signed a peace treaty with Ash Sea Islands, Falasan, Redspan and Abington. This peace is expected to bring about a final sense of peace on the Island of Atamara. We recently interviewed some farmers in Tandsu and Foda.

"I am happy as a pig in mud that Tara is finally at peace. I never had a desire to 'grow'. I think that's a silly concept", one farmer said to us in our visit to Tandsu.

Another resident of Foda was recently quoted. "I don't know, our Duke just built a cavlary stable and has men working on the captial's walls. I suspect they fear an invasion. I saw some of our men marching south, perhaps they are moving down to help Carelia with some Monsters or something."

Happiness after a war?
October 7th, 2005

Is it possible to have happy times after being reduced to just four regions? Not according to many businessmen in Foda. "Our business is suffering. We have less people traveling to Foda for business now that Ash Sea Islands has 'taken' our farm lands. We are confined to a forest for cripes sake!" Another Merchant said, "Yeah, it's slow, but it is so much better not having troops marching through town. I'm so happy that we are in a time of peace."

This scribe wonders how long the people will maintain peace. The thing that keeps others from attacking Tara any further is that they are a good buffer between enemy and ally.

Tara to Recieve another Region?
October 7th, 2005

Tara was recently told by the Caglin Empire, one of Tara's most trusted realms, that CE will hand Avrende over to Tara. This move is surprising and there has been much talk about it.

Caglin Empire's ruler, Zadar Nargarth, was recently asked why this would happen. "Tara is one of our most favored nations, and we need to ensure they have the food supplies they need. With their recent handing over of Meldeen to Redspan in return for peace, they gave up a large food suply. So, as a good and true ally, we are helping to give them a self sustaining food supply."

Update, October 10th, 2005 After further investigation, the above quote is unsubstantiated, and the claim that Tara is to receive Avrende appears to be no more than a rumor.

Welcome New Troopleaders
October 7th, 2005

Tara has recently had a major influx of immigrants looking to join the great nation of Tara. The most recent have joined in the last week: Altak, Arizieal, Astros, Cahlil, Hikari, Jordon, Kurohyou, Njangu, Stu and Yrandir.

All in all, Tara has had a total of 23 Troop Leaders join and stay in Tara in the last month.

Dedication to Local Lords
October 7th, 2005

Achilles, the Dictator of Tara recently announced that he would soon be celebrating the wonderful work his region commanders and Burocrats are doing to maintain Tara in these difficult times. "I think it is important to recognize the contributions the commanders are doing every day. Solton, for example, recently built a calvary stable, upgraded some fortifications and helped get siege engines manufactured. He's held court on numerous occassions and is just overall dedicated. Death, as well has contributed a substantial amount of time, holding courts and helping maintain the regions as well. There's just so many to thank, I don't have enough time to do it!"

Achilles Arilus is one of three siblings. His father was once a great Emperor but was overthrown and lost his realm to a band of thugs. Achilles hopes to rule more fairly and justly than his father did, hoping to bring the Tarans closer together to be able to face any advasary!

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