Arnel Family/Chisil

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He was not an extremely large man but was above average height. His long dark hair usually covered parts of his face and hid many of the emotions he would show. He was very different to his family physically but mentally was tough like them. He had an iron will which showed through on occasion when he was wounded in battle, but like any Norlander would, he kept fighting. His favourite weapon, and the one he was most skilled with, was a long sword he named svartrsverd or Black Sword (correction if translation is wrong please) because of the dullness of the blade. He held honor high in his life, always trying to be the honorable soldier.

He joined the army at 17 and easily distinguished himself among other soldiers. Being from Uforth, he swore fealty to Regulus, Count of Uforth, becoming a knight of Uforth and was assigned to the Army of Heimdal's Horn. In the defense of Norland he gained honor and prestige for his efforts, which led to him being given police roles throughout Norland at the begining of the war with Minas Ithil. He quickly discovered this was not the role for him as it kept him away from the battlefield. But it was only until the great leader Derrack the Daring died in battle that he realised he could not waste away his fighting days not fighting, so asked to be moved out of this role and on to the frontlines. Chisil was moved to the Army of Odin's Spear and in his first battle as a spear was seriously wounded. Although he was not rewarded as well as the mighty hero Dagg Hammerschmidt in this battle and was not permitted to the Halls of Valhalla, surely he would one day.

It was not long after this that, with the help of allies from the east Talerium, Minas Ithil were on the verge of defeating the armies of Norland. But it was this day that the most heroic deeds of the war had been seen. Led by General Balian, he formed a strategy so that the armies of Minas Ithil and Talerium would have to fight Norland separately. Minas Ithil were taken care of easily, but the second wave of the Taleium army proved much more difficult. Only a decisive victory was won, thanks to General Balian. He fell on that glorious day, to wander to Valhalla and reunite with his old friends. After this, Norland and MI signed an agreement that no other realm was to be a part of this war, to make it 1v1.

After countless battles in Winwich, a region which had become the forefront of the war between the two realms, along with Elost and Cheltenborne. Chisil found himself under the wing of the then marshal of the Army of Odin's Spear, Fenrig. He learned much from Fenrig, of leading armies, devising strategies. When Fenrig was promoted to General of all of Norland's armies, Chisil was moved up to marshal. At the time he wondered whether he would be able to fulfil the role after people such as Fenrig and Evil.