Spread the Word/IRC Log

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<The1exile> email all the gaming magazines and ask them to review it
<V2Blast> yeah
<^ban^> ...not a bad idea actually
<^ban^> someone want to help me come up with a template? :P
<V2Blast> and also get an independent observer to try it
<V2Blast> and then BM players could add details
<V2Blast> maybe get Tom to contribute
<Alanna_at_Work> I think we need someone who actually reads the gaming magazines to help with that :-/
<Alanna_at_Work> I'm sure there are some around
<Alanna_at_Work> but I'm afraid I'm not one of them
<^ban^> yeah
<^ban^> any thoughts on what magazines though?
<^ban^> because some wouldn't do, like gameinformer is more for consoles
<Alanna_at_Work> well, I think that's part of what we need to know
* Real2 is now known as RealUlli
<Alanna_at_Work> I mean, from the people who read them
<RealUlli> Hi :-)
<Alanna_at_Work> RealUlli, do you read game magazines?
<The1exile> Alanna_at_Work, most people don't because they're not usually cheap
<Alanna_at_Work> I know
<^ban^> help! my mouse wont click :(
<Alanna_at_Work> though some of the online ones you can read for free
<Alanna_at_Work> beat it till it pays attention, ^ban^ 
<RealUlli> Alanna_at_Work: usually not... 
<Alanna_at_Work> ...or unplug it, then plug it back in ;-)
<^ban^> i'm trying
<^ban^> damn optical mosue :(
* `_` (~aquila@AquilaSilente.users.quakenet.org) has left #Battlemaster
<Alanna_at_Work> ...though y'know
<Alanna_at_Work> it might not be a bad idea to wait until Dwilight opens up to get BattleMaster covered in the mainstream gaming press
<^ban^> oo
<^ban^> good point
<Alanna_at_Work> I mean, it doesn't hurt to line up all our ducks
<Alanna_at_Work> get stuff written
<^ban^> So does anyone want to start a pool for when that will happen?
<Alanna_at_Work> convince Tom to accept requests for interviews
<Alanna_at_Work> etc
<Alanna_at_Work> the two sites that come to my mind immediately are IGN and Gamasutra
<^ban^> so does anyone feel like writing a to-do list for this? :)
<Alanna_at_Work> the former being, I believe, about as mainstream as you can get in the gaming press
<Veritek> It has to be in print
<Alanna_at_Work> and the latter being a game developers' site
<Veritek> online reviews don't count
<Alanna_at_Work> Veritek, I thought online *articles* would count
<Veritek> I don't think so
<Alanna_at_Work> not necessarily just reviews, but actual articles
<Veritek> sometimes, even being in print doesn't count
<Alanna_at_Work> well, either way, it doesn't hurt as part of a general campaign
<Veritek> lke that one web comic that's also printed ina major nespaper
<^ban^> IGN would count even online
<Alanna_at_Work> and the more exposure the game gets in general, the more likely it is to make it into a print publication
<Veritek> kept getting their wikipedia article deletd
<Alanna_at_Work> yeah, I would think IGN would count
<Veritek> because "it's just a web comic"
<^ban^> so would Gamasutra
<Veritek> Write a review or article, and get it submitted
<Veritek> better yet
<Veritek> ghostwrite an article or Tom
<Veritek> and have Tom submit it to a gaming magazine
<Alanna_at_Work> hmm, I don't know that that would work...
<Veritek> like Game Developer
<Alanna_at_Work> that wouldn't be *independent* coverage
<Alanna_at_Work> which seems to be what's required
<Veritek> Still
<Veritek> it couldn't hurt
<Alanna_at_Work> and that's why GameOgre didn't qualify
<Alanna_at_Work> because it was player-submitted reviews
<Veritek> most of the articles in magazines
<Veritek> are written by the developer of the software
<Veritek> all the industry rags are like that
* Alanna_at_Work shrugs
<Veritek> I think it would be interesting to have Tom publish an article about the development of his game
<Veritek> as an independent developer
<Alanna_at_Work> it would indeed
<Alanna_at_Work> I quite agree
<Veritek> and his experiences with the community
<Alanna_at_Work> and I think it would be good for the game, and for publicity
<Veritek> yep
<Alanna_at_Work> I'm just not sure how much it would contribute toward getting it accepted by Wikipedia
<Veritek> Yeah, I know...
<Veritek> ~sighs~
<Alanna_at_Work> I'm writing a Wiki page right now to help organize this whole effort
<Veritek> that was not suposed to be an exclamatory sigh...
<Alanna_at_Work> I'm hoping some of you guys can help flesh it out ;-)