Itorunt Informer/April '07

From BattleMaster Wiki
And now back to your regularly scheduled programming.
The Itorunt Informer
Free, although we like it when you throw money.
Written by Ichigo Kurosaki and Thray Walsh, and hiring.
Bringing you the best of the press from Itorunt. March Edition



With the departure of several of our region lords, some positions have opened up for upcoming lords. Taking this into consideration, the gracious Duke Robert, a personal friend of mine and my liege of several years, appointed me as the Count of Zawr. I gladly took on this position, as it gave me another chance to put forth my best efforts toward helping the realm. Since I am no longer a marshal, I was chosen as a candidate for lordship (and I stated so, hehe). I will execute my position as lord to the best of my ability, and wish the best possible future upon the realm of Itorunt.


Comments for this month

Ichigo's comments

We're back!
And so is Valdid!

Thray's comments

None Yet

Arlian's comments

None Yet