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We are allowed this one life to play a part on the world's stage. Most of us will exit the scene silently, and most importantly, without having been able to ask the right questions. For what is Light, what is Dakness and how do they interact to form Shadows? What is the essence of this Stage we tread upon? What is the meaning of The Play? Will there be a Curtain Call?

These are the questions central to Shadowism, a collection of superstitions and mystical beliefs prevalent in the Bakker Peninsula area of the Colonies.

The Shadows

Shadowism is a form of animism. People, places and even objects are the Shadows of a rich spiritual world. Nothing of this world is truly real, and yet everyone and everything participates of spritual power. What is characteristic of Shadowism is the peculiar, fatalistic attitude that this belief engenders. Shadowists live their life as a game, or rather a play of sorts. They often see themselves discounted as childlike, and yet their committed attitude in the face of a disconcerting indifference or playfulness has seen the demise of more than one opponent.

The Stage

What most people call the real world is The Stage to Shadowists. This metaphor is a common theme amongst believers, and is often used as a way to recognise each other without speaking overtly

The Play

The Play is the political maneuvering to the ruler, the charge of the Knight, the deat of the Hero and the toil and the struggle of everyday life to a peasant. The Play are the facts of the world in their entirety. The meaning of the Play is beyond anyones understanding. There is controversy wether the Play is freeform (thethe mainstream belief) or there is a Script. Those who believe in the Scripted form of Shadowism are sometimes referred to as Scriptism

Light and Darkness

It is Light and Darkness which interact to form Shadows. Their purpose is even deeper than the meaning of The Play.


The spirit which inhabits the Shadow of a person is immortal. When your part in The Play is over and you are shown the exit, your Shadow leaves The Stage, but your spirit may assume any other manifestation. Death is a common way of leaving The Stage, but not the only one.

The Curtain Call

Some followers of Shadowism have an apocalyptic beliefs. There has to be an end to The Play, they reason, and then all shall be revealed.




Noble believers


Sacred Days

Main article: Holidays




Main article: Poetry

Sample superstitions