Kimura Family/Benny

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Biological Information

Full Name: Benjamin Kimura (Adopted Name). Benjamin Wing (Real Name).

Father: Yosutsu Kimura (Foster Father, Deceased). Unknown Biological Father.

Mother: Keisa Kimura (Foster Mother, Deceased). Unknown Biological Mother.

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual (VERY Heterosexual -_-; )

Age: 19

Status: Dead.

Social Information

(as of 3/6/2007)

Title: Battle Bard

Class: Knight

Honour: 15

Prestige: 4

Realm: RedSpan

Rank: Knight of Upperfell

Liege: Elinda

Marital Status: Single

Religion: Da Way

Alignment: Chaotic Good (in DnD terms)

Author and editor of As Told By Benny, a RedSpan newspaper.

Founder and writer for The Atamaran Advocate, an international newspaper.

Biographical Information

Adopted into the Kimura family when he was 13(?) for allgedly saving Kiyo Kimura's life during a fire, Benjamin "Benny" Kimura has always had a hidden agenda... but what exactly that agenda is, is unknown.

At the age of 17(?) he left to join the realm of RedSpan, just in time for their war with Darka. He served admirably, and was wounded during the Battle of Sullenport, but recovered well enough. During the war, he met Tiana of Talerium, and became mildly infatuated with her. Upon learning she was not "available", but her twin sister in Eston was, he left on a pilgrimage to Eston, on a fool's errand.

He is also responsible for the murder of his "sister", Reiss, although no one can prove it. It isn't clear as to whether he performed the murder himself, or someone working for him did the actual deed.

He has become fiercely loyal to RedSpan, and Da Way, and has no hesitation on killing anyone who stands in the way of either.


Hair Color: Brown; shoulderblade length.

Eye Color: Brown; wears glasses.

Height: 5'8"

Weight: Aprox. 166 Lbs.

Build: Athletic

Pants: Loose-fitting black pants, with a crimson lining.

Feet: Lightweight, quiet black shoes, lined in crimson. His shins are protected by black-steel shinguards, with crimson outlines as well.

Chest: Wears a black, monk-style robe. Over his robe, on his chest, we wears a blackened-steel breast-plate, with a charging crimson goat emblazed on the front.

Hands: Black-steel fingerless bracers, crimson outlined.

Head: Still wears his blue bandana. From his nose down he has a black cloth, covering his face, leaving only his eyes, ears, and up visible (think oldschool ninja).

Prized Possesions/Equipment

Crescendo Mk II - Jet black with a emblazed red goat on the main body under the strings, Benny's trademark bladed lute has undergone an overhaul. It now sports 2 rows of blades.

Straw Goat - Made by his friend Elenar while Elenar was in Darkan prisons. Benny keeps it on his desk, and is actually quite fond of it.