
From BattleMaster Wiki

Age of Mystery

Before the First Invasion and arrival of the Mercenaries

melhed-icon.png Tales of the Past: As gleaned from tattered scrolls and rumour

melhed-icon.png Tale of Argos: The last known ruler of the land

Age of Blood

The end of the First Invasion until the fall of the Emperor and start of the Second Invasion

melhed-icon.png Rise and Fall of the Mercenaries - a summary of the age

melhed-icon.png From the Journals of the Mercenaries

melhed-icon.png Emperor Tsu - The man who ruled

melhed-icon.png Ancient Laws during the Empire

melhed-icon.png One Liners and Famous Quotes

melhed-icon.png Symbols of the Past

Age of Reason

The time after the Second Invasion and Rise of the Republic

melhed-icon.png Seige of Agyr - during the Second Invasion

melhed-icon.png Quirky Customs - Odd Habits and other Strange Practices of the Age

melhed-icon.png Northern Colony Treaty- the historic text

melhed-icon.png The Reformation: How the Land was Changed- the historic text

melhed-icon.png The Four Kingdoms- the historic text

melhed-icon.png Seven Slabs - the historic text

melhed-icon.png Age of Reason - a summary of the age